Month: March 2007

  •                                                    Feb. 4. 1975
                          French spoken - (Can you speak to us in English?)
           When I was on the earth plane, I was call Pierre Monjolin.  It was a college professor .I was teaching languages but now they tell me to come here and tell you what it was like when I arrive here. My mother was here and my daughter came to meet me. It is for you to know that you will be met on this side, when you arrive.   That is what I came for to tell you that you will be met do not worry when you come to the end.  It is a very easy doorway to this world.  Now I go and let someone come who speaks English better than me.

          Good evening.  I am Lettie Landis and tonight, they asked me to give you a small lesson in compassion.  Now, the word compassion means many things but mostly, it is to be in a state of concernment for those around you because if you are not concerned with those who maybe let's say are in a lesser position than you or in more trouble than you, then. you have not learned the lesson of compassion. And today, especially, there are so many people who need to receive compassion.  Many people who perhaps have given many hours of compassion are not thought of when they need it also.  I am thinking mostly now of those people who are what you would call in your world here, senior citizens.  Somehow, a great many of them seem to be pushed aside and not thought of as a compassionate world should, and these are the things which we are concerned about because when we were on the earth plane, we were in a different position then you. 

    Always, there were those who thought of the family. They did not or would not even think of putting their older people into homes. While they flew high, wide, and handsome for their own amusement while the others who had gone beyond the years of production were in a place where there was not too much compassion and where there was no individuality.
          I was very old when I went into spirit but I remember well how my son and my daughter and my niece couldn't do enough for me. Always I was somewhat fought over to come and sit at their table and if I sat at another too long, I was always asked why I didn’t come to them instead.  I was given things to keep me aware. My eyes began to fail and always there was someone if only one of the younger ones to say,   “Grandma can we read to you today?"
          Now, just think for a moment how those today are put into beds in large homes where there is no compassion and many of these people receive papers to read with no thought that the eyes of the, earth plane are failing.  How many are there working in these homes who can take a few moments, especially for those who haven't anyone to visit them and say, "May I read to you, may I help you, may I get you something special," No. No, it is a case of mass productivity, the same as your factories. Let's put everyone in a single niche; let them stay there until they die. Until you become more compassionate where will you be when you reach that age?  I am not speaking here to anyone in particular in this room.  I am giving a general outline of the conditions which I see from this side, and when it becomes necessary to put an individual into a home. There are some that visit, some that care, some that see, but the percentage is so small.
              If you could get your younger people to spend just one day a week, of their time or two to three hours a week going into these homes and finding out those who have no one who cares about them and talk to them. You would find that it would soon spread and compassion would again be present upon your earth plane.  "No one cares, no one cares,” How many times have I gone into a room in my spirit body and heard these remarks from a poor soul. One, who could not move out of the bed, who was lying there just waiting and hoping the days would not be too far off when they too could leave and join me. Now, you here cannot do anymore than you can do for your own, but could you give this lesson forth to those who can and could help.  How many youngsters today get into mischief and trouble because they don't know what to do with themselves and think of how good it would be If they could do something. Will you please give this lesson forth?  Please, because I from my side am trying to help.  I'm trying very hard. It has been possible in just a few instances for me to make someone aware that I was standing there. Especially if they were close to passing. At such a time a smile comes on their face. Oh yes, a smile as if they knew someone cares.                        
    Good night.

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    Trying to sing
    I am Madam Shuman-Heink.  Oh, how I would like to sing again but I do not know if I can. Oh I am using the vocal cords of this instrument; but when I was on the earth plane here, oh, how I loved to sing but I do not know if I can sing with this instrument. - (Bernard: Give it a try) Will you forgive me If I do not sound as  Shuman-Heink sounded? (Yes, go ahead) (Vocalizing) "Oh, that is terrible, oh, that is terrible. (More singing) I want to sing so badly. I have been in spirit many years but when I was here, I sang on the Metropolitan Opera Stage.  Do you not remember Shuman- Heink?  I was not a skinny one.  I was big but God had given me the will and also the voice. (You can sing in spirit can't you?) Only by thought.  We have no cords. (Had you rather sing by cords than by thought?) Oh yes, but now if I could use the other lady, or she would let me use her. (Alma Cosby) It is useless for me to stay here if I cannot sing. . (Do you have a desire to come back in another life?)  Now, now, No, not now as the world is. No. (what are you doing now in spirit?) I am teaching rhythm of thought. (Whom do you teach)? Those who come over and who have never had rhythm; because all is vibration and if you cannot keep rhythm, you stumble.  Well. maybe I can practice occasionally. (Sure, try it once more) Oh, no, I would not put you through that again, no. I go.

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  • The sacred ways of the Lakota
    By Wallace Black Elk

    One time a young man, a white boy, came, and he wanted to have a Chanunpa ceremony because he had lost three horses.  He also lost his silver-mounted saddle, spurs, martingale, and bridle. Those had belonged to his grandfather, so they were a keepsake for him.  Somebody came along with a loading chute for horses, so he took them away in a truck. He also took his grandfather's keepsakes. That boy didn’t use them or anything like that. But they belonged to his grandfather, so he just valued them for a keepsake.

    Anyway, when this guy was eleven years old he got pneumonia. His grandfather and grandmother were alive then. Down the creek a little ways there lived some old people, an Indian man, a medicine man. So they got acquainted, and they always helped each other. When the old man had a lodge ceremony, the white man would crawl in. They prayed together. So they always helped each other.  So when that boy got sick it was winter. There was snow, heavy snow, and all the roads were blocked. There was no road there for cars, but probably a horse-drawn wagon could go there sometimes. Anyway, this time there was too much snow.  And it was a long way to the main highway.

    So it was impossible to get a doctor out there or to get that kid to the hospital.  Then his grandfather remembered this Indian friend that lived up the creek.  So he waded through that big snow to get to that Indian medicine. Then he brought that medicine man back. The medicine man told them they would need to have a lodge ceremony. But they were nowhere, and there was no lodge there. Well, there was a little chicken coop there, so they decided to use that for the lodge. They pulled out all those chickens and put them into the house. Then they covered that chicken coop. They built a snow shelter and built a fire there to heat up the stone-people.  Then they hauled those hot stones into that chicken coop. Then the mother of that boy dragged him into the lodge.  He was really sick.  He had double pneumonia.  His eyes were turned up, and he took little short breaths.

    Then that old man running the ceremony called in the spirit. The spirit, the real medicine man, came in. So that Indian gave that boy some medicine. While he was being doctored, they were singing songs, short songs, in there.  All of a sudden you could hear gargling.  Like you take water and gargle. That sound was in there.  This boy's lungs were full of fluid, and he was like drowning.  That medicine pulled all that water out. You could hear it coming out. It went out. Then they fanned him. They gave him that pure oxygen. Then his lungs were clear. So he started breathing. He was conscious. They gave him water. So he drank water. Then he was healed. His lungs were cleaned out. So he walked out.

    So that boy, after his grandfather died, he went to college. Later his mother and father died, so he inherited that land. He remembered that old man that had doctored him. He remembered that he had saved his life. He remembered those old people.  He remembered what had happened. He remembered that bond, that prayer. So he respected the Chanunpa and the lodge. So he came over to us. He came over to the reservation in search of the lodge and the Chanunpa. He started asking, "Is there anybody that's a medicine man, or is there any sweat-lodge. Or any of that?"

    So somebody told him, "Yeah You go to Parmalee [South Dakota] and look for Black Elk.  I think he's familiar with all that area. He could lead you."So I was at my dad's place, and there was a pickup that drove up. I heard, "Somebody's here in a pickup." I never saw him before. So he came up to me and said, "Hi. Is your name Black Elk?" "Yeah." "My daddy told me the story [about my cure]. It's a long story, but I'll tell you so you'll get to know. I'll make this long story short and I want to offer you a Sacred Pipe."

    So when he finished that story, I told my dad.  He said, "Yeah.  That's good.  So accept the Chanunpa. I'll give you that honor. You are going to act as interpreter. You are going to interpret for the spirit. Good." So I accepted that honor, that Chanunpa. So we put him to work getting the altar ready. We itemized all the things we would need tobacco, string, eagle feather, eagle plume, conch shell, wood, sacred foods, different colored robes in black, red, yellow, white, blue, and green.  So he wrote it all down. Then he left.

    Later he came back. He brought six bolts of material, the whole thing, the whole bolt. Inside his pickup he had two halves of beef from the slaughterhouse. He had them hanging inside the pickup. He had a rack on it.  Then the corn, He brought a case of corn.  There were six gallon cans of corn in that box.  In another box there were six cans.  There were gallons of fruit. And there was more. There was a box of Bull Durham tobacco in those little sacks. I think there were about two dozen in there.  He brought six of those. And those spools of twine, you know, he brought six of those. When my mom saw all of that she started to really laugh. She said, "Oh, no. We are not going to use all of that.

    " So he said, "Well, I just brought this for distribution among the people. So you take whatever you want. Take whatever you need." So we only took a half-yard each of those materials for the robes and enough to make those prayer ties.  Then he wrote out a check for five hundred dollars to my dad.  My dad said, "Ho. that's good." Then the ceremony began. That boy was sitting behind the altar. He called me "Chief' When the spirit came in, this guy started nudging me. He thought that was an Indian spirit that came in.

    So he said, "You've been with this spirit all your life. But I'm a wasichu.  I'm a white man.  So he might not understand my English language." So I said, "He's a spirit He hears all languages.  He'll hear you." But that doubt was still there.  So he said, "No.  You'd better talk to him because he is an Indian spirit.  So you'd better talk to him in Lakota." So I said,(l said it in Lakota) "Tunkashila, my white brother here said that you're a Lakota spirit.  He's a white man.  He speaks English, and you might not understand English. So he asked that I talk to you in Lakota." Whatever you want to say to him you can tell me, and I'll translate for him. He wants it that way. But I told him that you are spirit. You are sacred. You hear.  You understand. Besides, you see much deeper how he feels, where he comes from and all this. You know when he was born and why he is here and when he's going to die.  You know everything."

    So that spirit came closer. Then that spirit said, "I read his mind. I know the  way he is thinking. That piece of wood and that piece of stone (the Sacred Pipe) lying there is sacred. Tell him that." So I interpreted that. So I told him that the spirit has read his mind. I told him that the spirit has said that he was thinking about that piece of wood and piece of stone because he had a college degree.  So in that language it's just a piece of wood and a piece of stone with maybe a little green in there, like that. That is the way he is thinking. Then I said, "He's a spirit.  He's the one that gave you that language.  If you believe that, then speak to him in that language he gave you.  So that spirit is going to speak English."

    So to my surprise this white boy said, "Gee, Tunkashila. I'm very sorry. I'm terribly sorry.  I shouldn't have doubted this. It's your medicine people that helped me. A long time ago, when I way a boy, I was dying.  You came, and you doctored me. You made me well though this Indian friend of my grandfather. All that I remember is that old Indian that rescued me. He gave me my health back. So I owe my life to that old man. So that has stayed with me all this time. That is the reason I came here. But I don't know these sacred powers. So I came here because I need your help. I lost three horses, and I lost my grandfather's saddle.  It's not for me to keep or use.

     But those horses, I paid a lot of money for them.  That saddle horse especially, that one horse, I paid twenty thousand dollars for him.  I want to keep those horses. I don't want to work them every day. I just want to keep them for harnessing to the wagon and just driving around.  I want to keep them for my kids.  So that's the only reason I want those horses back. Now a truck backed into the loading chute, and somebody loaded up those horses and took them away.  The sheriff has been there, and even the FBI came there. All they found was one little tire track.  So they traced that tread pattern.  But there are thousands of tires with that brand that are sold in this area.  So there is no way to trace that truck down.  As soon as it drove onto the blacktop that trail ended.  So they could not find it." So that spirit said, "Sing four songs.  I'll backtrack for this white boy.  I'm going to backtrack for him." So we started singing those songs.

    Then that spirit took off to backtrack that truck.  He went over to the house where that white boy lived.  There he Picked up the trail and traced it. He even went on that blacktop.  There are thousands of those tires, the same kind of tire, going over and over on that blacktop.  But he traced that track.  During the last song he came back in.  He said, "Yeah I found it.  And I brought those things that you wanted to keep from your grandfather.  I brought them here and laid them on the top of this roof.  If you want, I could bring them in."

    So that white boy said, "'Yes, Tunkashila. I want them in here.  Please bring them in." So we sang a song.  Then you could hear this rolling sound.  It sounded like gravel sliding down a chute.  It was that sound.  You could hear the straps slapping and those spurs jingling.  Then we heard this flop.  Then the spirit said, "After we leave here, when they finish this and turn the fights on, you go north by northeast.  When you come to a blacktop, then you go straight north.  Then you will come to a big junction.  There you turn to the west and go to the fourth big town.  When you go there, there will be a stockyard there.  You go there.  When you go there, you will see your horses there.  So from there you know what to do."

    Then that boy he said, "Oh, thank you.  Thank you." Then we finished the ceremony.  When we turned on the lights, that saddle, spurs, and bridle were sitting by the altar.  So how did the spirits bring them in?  That's a mystery.  But that made him really happy.  After the ceremony, he got into his pickup.  He went right away.  Just around sunrise he got to Rapid City, South Dakota.

    So he went into the stockyard.  He walked on the catwalks over the pens, and there he saw his horses.  But it was too early, and no one was in the stockyard.  So he walked across the street to an open cafe and got a cup of coffee.  When the time came, somebody opened the doors to the stockyard.  So he went there and told them that those horses in there were his horses.  Then he called the sheriff, from there the investigation was easy.  So after an hour, or an hour and a half, they tracked down that man that stole those horses.  So they caught him.  So he loaded his horses and started racing back.

    He came back to our place around noon.  He said, "I want to put up a thank-you ceremony." So we said that would be good. So he started the fire-put the rocks on, stacked the wood around, prayed, and lit it. My mom and my sisters started making the robes and prayer ties. They started cooking the food. Then we performed that ceremony.After that thank-you ceremony he said, "Now don't ever hesitate. Whenever you guys need help, just call me.  I'd like to be a part of it."

    So when we have those desperate times, we call him.  He says, "Don't worry.  I'll be there you wait for me." Then he brings food.  He brings chickens, frozen meat, or a whole cow in a pickup.  So my grandpa, grandma, dad, and mom they all prayed for him.  The spirit always returns those prayers. So his cattle raising increased. All the other ranchers kept losing cattle, but his were strong and in good health. The spirit helped him. He, his wife, and children, they are in good health.  So things happen that way. So when we send a voice to Tunkashila, that prayer is not just temporary for a month. It's not that way. It goes from generation to generation. So my grandfathers, they were really smart people.  Those old people were really different.

  • March 4, 1975
             Alyce medium
        Good evening.  When I was with you I was Lila McGee.  I was a dietician in the old country and my interest tonight is with food.  You know that food is becoming very short, upon your plane but part of it is due to a great deal of ignorance both in your country and abroad.  You have worked the land until it has become worn out, as it were, and also, when you could produce, you did not but we wish to say that if those who have something to do with producing would think for a few moments and not waste. We heard some talking tonight before class here upon the subject of helping. Now, helping is one thing but wasting and throwing it to the winds is another. You were told by the great master who knew the secrets upon the earth and in the heavens that you were not to cast pearls before swine.

     Now, this could also mean not casting, that which will be useless and which will not produce desired results before anyone.  Sending food to those who not only will be deprived of the most of it; but also when given will amount to little among the hoards who in the end will die anyhow, is a waste.  To help those who by giving can help themselves is good and you have this lesson to be learned in many ways not only with food but also with those people who are so used to getting and being given to, they think it is their right. 

    To give is good when needed but to give to make one lax and not productive is another thing.  Those who think it is their right to have regardless is not what we term, in the etheric world good. We are trying to impress upon those who would keep as  you call it, the hand out, to stop them. To say that everyone is, entitled to so much for living, that each one should be taken care of regardless, is not good because you are hurting that person more than you would be helping if you did not give them anything.

    You will find if you look back through history  in your country and in your world that people fought to live, worked to live, and if it was not in front of them, they found a way to produce or make it. They found a way to live--not in luxury, not with everything they desired, but enough to keep them alive and to meet each day with a smile regardless.

    We go to your pilgrims who came across the Atlantic and. tried to live.  It was very hard; but not one of them thought someone else was going to provide for them.  Somehow, they found a way, as did those who settled in Jamestown, as did those who came into the Northland in Canada and who fought to keep themselves alive. 

    Your Indians who were here first, they did not go to someone and say, "We are hungry, feed us" or we want this because we want to have pleasure.  No, they used their minds and they used those things that were around them.  Even their medicine was found in the woods and they learned by themselves how to take care of themselves, what would cure, and heal, and what could be used for food. 

    What has happened to the mass of people today who think they should have things regardless?  You have that within your own country, those who think they should be taken care of regardless.  We are not saying to one who is ill or one who cannot for some reason take care of himself.  Yes, give them food for health, keep them warm, but do not--please do not keep on giving them luxuries, letting them have those things which those before have worked for years and centuries to bring into being for themselves. This is not good.

    Look within your own country and all of those who are lazy and lax today because the giving was not figured and thought of in the proper manner, and then go to the foreign countries where your wars are raging, where your hunger is spreading and remember that to give and, give and give is not the answer.  Those who know somehow it will be given do not strive for themselves but keep taking. 

    When you see food piled up which has been sent while big ones--men and women who should be let's say with power  and instinct enough to use it properly, let it rot while they argue about which ones shall have it, is that being wise?

         We in spirit are aware of the many, many tons of food and grain which has been shipped  to these places and we see it not going to the hungry but distributed to those in power to be sold for money.  Is this helping? We do not say not to help your brother but we say that if you send enough food for a thousand people to feed a million, it is as nothing and that is what you have upon the African and Asian Continents today.  You have millions starving, yes, but you give them a mouthful today.

     Tomorrow, they will starve again. We do not ask you to think in terms of hardness and not pity; but we do say that all life which we have learned about is in the proper focus; but it has to be run that way and has to be used in the proper manner.  One thing feeds upon another, one thing grows while another withers. It is up to each one to strive to make the most of what his life can and will be, to learn his lesson and do not forget those who are in the position at the present time of starving have some lesson to learn. 

    Somewhere in their past, they were lax and greedy whether it was in the forest where they would not share, let's say the catch, with another who was beside them or whether it was in another life they laughed at a lowly serf maybe who was thrown the bones when they got through eating the feast.  We see them and we know.  Each person upon the earth today is right where he is supposed to be. 

    You can feel sorry for yourself or you can feel sorry for your neighbor or your friend and that is good to have sympathy but do not forget in the last analysis, it is the person who finds his way, and works towards his goal in spite of obstacles. And when you cover up the obstacles, they do not learn to climb over and you are stopping the progress and many lives will have to be lived to accomplish what was intended.  Therefore, I say that your government when it thinks it is helping the many people in your country and in the world it is doing them harm, and not accomplishing what it thinks it is. 

    There is little that you here can do except to send your prayers and thoughts.  We know you cannot do much but you can take your own lives and do what you can with them.  Send prayers and live and ask that each person no matter which path he is treading, or in what placed he is in may he be given the strength and the light to see how he can solve his own problems. 

    Do not forget that if some of those people who are groveling even in the desert would take the little bit of land, desert or no, and try to plant some of that which is given them, you say, where will the water come from?  You would be surprised if just a quarter of them would plant part of their little portion, they would bring into being the thought, "We want this to grow" and rain would fall. 

    They are thinking dry, they are thinking arid, they are thinking hunger, they are thinking death and that is exactly what they are bringing into being and unto themselves. And if this can happen, think of yourselves and what you think.  Are you thinking tonight I will, I can, I know, or I can't, it isn't there, I will not have it. 

    No. Put your thought to the Pilgrims and the Indians and follow in their footsteps.  Sometimes, the most primitive people are the greatest.
    Good Night.

  •                                  Received Through the Mediumship
                              of Alyce Andrews at Boston, Massachusetts
                                                November 9,, 1975

    You wonder who I am and I will tell you I was from the first part of your century when I passed and there have been a great deal of questions around and about, about just what is death, what experience do you go through.
    When I was here, I did not feel that I would live as long as I did, but I lived into my eighties, and I was ready when I went to go over here into this beautiful spirit land. I had no idea that it would be as well as it is and as beautiful. I found myself very much as I was, very much.
    There wasn't much difference in the way I was when I left and the way I was when I arrived here. Except that I had a much healthier and a much lighter and much more beautiful body.  I found that I could see all those people who were in back of me on the earth plane.  It was as if I had just risen and was looking down upon the whole. 
    Some of you ask shall I send flowers to a funeral.  Please do because you know those are the flowers which we put into our home gardens in the spirit world.  The essence of them we take with us and all the love that went into them as they were given.  Our homes are very much like yours; and this might surprise you, but all the things that you had and loved are with you.
    `There is a spirit form and essence for everything upon the earth plane which you had.  For remember, it is all of the living force, all of those things and those atmospheres and chemicals which went into that as a living thing still is a spiritual force of life and it is with you.
    You have been admonished not to save up things upon the earth plane but things which are of the spirit that you may keep them, but I say this was meant not to take things to store up things on the earth plane which are selfish and which hurt someone else or be greedy and take more than your share, but all of those things which you found love and pleasure in upon the earth plane are still with you, and they are very real, very real.  There is no difference in them.
    You will meet your loved ones as I did and you will know what life is, that it is continuous and that it never stops.  Once you are a living thing or being, you are always one.  Now you ask why.
    Why do we go into the spirit world?  If we are going to live on and on why not stay here?  But it is just the same as your car or some other item which rusts away and gets useless.  Your physical body is no longer able to support the spiritual body which is enclosed within it and to do its work.
    For some reason you have to leave it behind and go on, and it returns to that from which it come and which it was made all of the chemicals around and about and within are the same.  There is no difference with anything.  It is all spirit, all life, and all material, but it is of the something and it must go on.
    The same fertilizer for the trees and its coming up in the spring in the leaves, which will form it, is a continuous cycle. But that is an earthly cycle that is a cycle of matter we are talking about the spiritual cycle. There are a great many things that go into it that you upon the earth do not know; because you have not heard them right, many things within your bible is a correct history but it has been interpreted as the wrong.
    You are not the first ones who have been, let's say, with brains.  Before you millions of years ago there were people upon your earth plane.  Yes, from another planet, which was much more advanced than yours and which destroyed the world as you knew it.  Because it was not advanced to that point where it could take care of the advancement which it had come unto.
    So remember this, those things around and about you within the air and upon the, earth which you do not understand, are real and sooner or later within your lifetime these will come about and the answers will come, but I am interested in telling you about your spirit life.
    Those you loved are with you and will be, and those you left behind are very visible to you. You can see what they do and when and try to help them by thought. You are not dead you are alive. Very much as I am; and if you are fortunate and can learn the mechanics of speaking through someone upon the earth plane, you will be able to tell them about it.
    It does take a great deal of energy, both from the spirit and from that instrument through which we work. It is going to be necessary within the next twenty years to bring forth a great deal of this knowledge. You are in a period of time when these things must come about, and when you must learn that wars cannot sustain, when instruments which have been turned into that which harms must be turned the other way for good. And, therefore, listen to the spirit. Listen to those who come to you, your loved ones and those who you bear, the thoughts which you receive, pay attention to them for they are your guidelines to eternal life.  Good day.

  • Sept. 23, 1975

    Now, I will come to you.  I think it time that you have a bit more of the lessons given to you.  We have told you in the past about life and what it is, but It is such a slow process and you learn so little in one life and yet, it is important.

      So, I think we will go on with the subject of why the death because it seems to be of interest here to night. Death is as necessary as birth for just as a car wears out until it goes to the trash heap with all its power for moving and its power for going places gone. The human body, which is run by the spirit and the soul, and the mind, wears out. The different parts, which make it run, are worn. They have lost their usefulness and the soul must be set free, but it is not death. Only of the body for spirit and the body with it of etheric value goes on to again, in time, become another living soul which must learn and experience, have pleasure, trouble, pain, and sorrow again for it is by these things that the soul progresses.

    We are not going back now to the preexistence in the animal or back further to the birds, reptiles, and fish. We are speaking of the homosapien stages. You see, when you say to someone, “Oh I wish we could keep them here", what you are doing, actually, is retarding progress because it is time for new progression. It is hard. to see those whom you have loved gone but think of it in this way, they have merely gone on a journey. For instance, if someone leaves you and settles elsewhere, they are not dead, they have merely gone across to another place to live. That which they have left behind is merely the worn out body or vehicle which is of no use anymore in which they cannot live in comfort and ease.

    You would not say to someone that they must keep on living in a house which was so run down that it was not comfortable to live in.  No, you would say it is past repair so live in another one or rebuild the house. If the house was not in a stage where it could be rebuilt, you would not wish them to live there and that which was left of the house should be torn down and go back to the elements and the parts possibly reused. But, the body when it goes cannot be used except when organs which are not destroyed can be implanted.

    The person who lived within that body has graduated and has a much more perfect body than that which they left. It is perfection. The spirit body is not capable of all of the hurt and destruction that the human body is. For awhile, one is perfection as far as body goes. The mind is something else for the mind has stored within it all of those things for good or bad which one has thought and learned, and experience. That does not change ever. It goes on, and on, and on with the person but the spirit body, as well as the spirit world, is perfection in the sense of quality of being.

    Now, when one is a murderer, a thief, or has harmed in other ways someone upon the earth. Then he finds himself with a perfect spiritual body himself but he finds that the mind which he has taken with him will not let him enjoy it to the fullest in the spirit world.  He does not feel pain but he finds that he can not enjoy his spirit body so he knows that he must go on to earth again in order to make up for that which he has done before.

    We seldom hear in our spirit world, or see, those who are in that category stay very long with us because they find that they are much more unhappy in our world here than they were upon the earthplane, because, you see, in our world thoughts can be seen. It is not a case of only, let's say, hearing thoughts mentally with the spirit mind, but one can see as a picture, the minds of other people and they can read these people who are bad. They can read what the other person is thinking of them and this is more torture than it would be to be hurt in the physical upon the earthplane, and they cry out to go back to earth that they may condone what they have done.

    In this case there is not free choice. Oh, there is choice but one does not want it. It is only those who have tried to do good which can stand the thoughts which are given forth in the spirit realm from others. I have told you this tonight because I know of your thoughts which are given forth in the spirit rea1m from others. I know your thoughts for the one on the sick bed tonight and we are trying very hard to keep her with you awhile longer. But please, when you know her body is not functioning enough for her to be happy here, please do not try with your minds to keep her on your earthplane, because you are not being good to her.

      She will find on the other side, she is much happier, but we are    not saying she, will. not be with you  awhile yet because we are trying to give her a little more life. So, we give you this as a picture. Sooner or later, all of you here will be in spirit for all go where I am. You do not stay unless you wish, but it is something one cannot avoid. Not something to look forward to in fear for the body in which you are imprisoned at present is merely that to give you something to work with here, on your earth plane. The beautiful spiritual body which you have built up by your past millenniums of experience is indestructible and a billion years from. now you will still be alive thinking, and much more in progress than at present.
    Good night.

                             March 21, 1976 Boston Mass Alyce Andrews in Trance                                                  

    Good afternoon.  I am so happy to be here but it is rather difficult to work and speak to you through a woman, because I was a man.  My name when upon the earth plane was Carl Bernstein and I was a geologist.  Now you wonder what geology has to do with you as spiritualists, but I have something to tell you today which you probably do not even think about or would think about. 

    You know when you upon the earth plane did well in school you got stars or pumpkins or something beside your, let's say efforts, and there by it showed that you had somewhat accomplished well. When you reach the plane upon which I am, you will find that you still get merit points.  They are not stars or pumpkins and there is where the geology comes in. 

    Spirit is thought and all can see what you do and your board is very clear and when you accomplish something great in the line of perhaps improving your love or improving kindness and so forth you get a thought seal which is a form of a stone or rock.  Why?  You know that you are made up of water and chemicals without these chemicals you could not live.  Each has a purpose but where is the most of these minerals etc.?

    Where are they?  They are in the rocks and the earth around them.  A stone is not just a stone.  It has come from living matter.  It has the chemicals and all those things that make up earth and life. Each stone has a different quality according to that which it has within it. For instance take a stone which has a great deal of copper and you have healing properties in the right proportion. 

    So when you have helped from the spiritual side to heal and work with people here upon the earth plane and have accomplished a great healing, what do you get?  You get a stone with a great deal of copper in it as a thought seal against your name.  The same with all the other chemicals and minerals.  Each chemical has some sought of property and what is more natural than when you accomplish you get that of which the earth began, life, because life is within each and every-thing whether it is still or not.  The atoms are flowing grinding, rolling and is living, living matter.

    So each chemical has a property that goes along with that which you accomplish by helping someone upon the earth or improving your own soul and spirit.If you have helped someone to stay safe, have taken your spiritual self on to the earth plane, so called earth-bound, for a while to help a certain person to stay safe from harm, what kind of a seal do you get?  You do not get a stone exactly but you do get a pure piece of steel or iron, because you have used your power for strength and what has more strength than iron to help that person?  If you could see all of the charts, all of the thought form around and about in the spiritual world, which gives a complete picture of you, You would be surprised.

    It takes time but it is there.  I was fascinated when upon the earth with stones and rocks and geology in all of its forms.  Not that I ever became great, I didn't.  I was merely one working and satisfying his whim for searching.  I have come to the point here where I can give out and help because I can speak through those whose chemicals are proper for me to come through and give to you the message of the many facets of this world.  Each and everything, which is upon the earth, has its replica in the spirit and it is just as real to us. 

    Call it thought form but it is real.  The only difference being that all in the spirit world can see and know just exactly where they stand and you stand.  There are no secrets.  I still love stones.  Pick one up and see what you get from it and remember at one time it was a living thing and still has a life within it and still is part of the living world or universe. 

    Now your teacher thought the stars and moon etc. would be the highest things to give you on your papers because that was supposed to be the largest thing around the universe and the unknown universe, therefore, to give you a star which was in the heavens and which you could not touch and no one could get to at that time, meant that you had accomplished.  It was a symbol of accomplishment but I say that the lowly rock beneath your feet in its time has accomplished much more than that which is out there and which we are still searching for and know what is and is not.

    You can not go into any faucet of this world, anything upon it, within it or around it and not be awed by the life force, which is eternal in all sundries.  Therefore treasure the rocks and look at them and see which one you want to merit because all have something to give you especially when you reach the spirit world.  Thank You.

  •                              May 5, 1982 - Alyce, Vicki, Ernie, & Bernie.
                                                            EVA RENYUS
    Hello, I am Eva Re-ny-us (Phonetic soelling).  That's right.  I am from ancient, ancient Gariala.
    What is that?  And ancient Planet, or is it a city? It was a place upon your planet -- way back before any written confirmation or history.  It was what we called "The Spot" where they congregated around the oasis, At that time, that part of the planet; it was desert and oasis with an occasional group of small trees.  It was livable, but not what you call luxurious. 

    There were large goat skin tents we lived in.  They kept off the heat and also, when it got a little cooler it kept it in, you see, so it was comfortable in them. We were weavers and had comfortable rugs -- no furniture, We did not eat anything cooked, except our lambs, but that was over a small fire of dung. But let's say our diet was very limited, Nothing would grow.  But we had the knowledge, which had come from -- we know not where -but it was in the minds of man, a power to imagine creating, as you would say, to have before you luscious fruit, luscious things and they would have them.  In other words, people in your time now, eat far too much -only a small diet is really necessary.

    The reason I can talk English is because I've been, since that time, alive in an English setting; but 1 wanted to come from that section of my life for one reason, and that is the fact that mankind has let go of the mind -- how man has become so lackadaisical that he has gone and ruined so many things that were so simple -- so simple and loving and beautiful.

    We could not travel far because the hot sands would burn our sandals in the daytime.  At night we stayed sheltered.  But our little group was loving and oh, yes, we did. Not need doctors, because the healing power was there, all around.  And the sun beating down, we could pull from it by just a thought, and arms outstretched - which healed. We did not need Doctors, and when we passed away to the next life, it was -- let's say a gradual demise.  It was natural -- not anything radical, or of disease.  But that land has long since been buried, a long ways beneath the crust of your earth -- the people, too, because this happened billions of years ago --- way back, Even at the time when other parts of your planet were covered with dinosaurs. We had in that part of the world, living space. We had come. How we got there, we didn't know, until we got into spirit again and found that we had come from a much more educated planet.

    And when we went into spirit again, we were given the choice of living again in your world, later on, or going back to another planet.  I chose to wait many thousands of years in the spirit world and learned a lot, and then I went to England where I had another life, as a Healer.  Oh, yes.  Now, here in spirit, I am coming to you to tell you that today your world here is in the time when it is so important for all to create and imagine –What you want. The power is within your mind; but you have not exercised them to strengthen them, the way we had -- the way we did.  Anything is possible to him who believes.  Remember who said that?  It is so true.  It is so true, and do not forget that HE who said that, at one time, lived with us.

           Thank you. (Second entity) I am Byron. Byron?  Any Byron we know? No. They sent me to answer questions if I could. Oh, we were thinking - we were all concerned about the fighting down in the Falklands.  Could you explain that to us a little bit? What is going to be the outcome and what should we do or think about it?
    Spirit never gives outcome because, there again, it is free will of men. However we do say that there will be more bloodshed before it is settled.  Do not forget that the Communists are instigating -- Russia is trying to stir up all of South America.  England, being stubborn, will not let go either. So there you have it but you can help by, as your friend told you, thinking positive.

          (You say the Communists aren't actually doing the fighting, they're just giving advice or instigating?)  That is all they are doing at this time? There have been some arms sent in. (What about Cuba, and the latest thing, that they want to be friends with this country.  The Russians say it would be good what is the reason for this?) This is a play, at the moment and it needs to be watched. Russia sees the possibility of an advantage at the moment of having this take place.

    The medium is very concerned about the Church -- about the Property and all.  Can you give us some advice about it?   Everyone wants to be King and no one wants to be the serf, But if they do not repair this Church soon, it will crumble. You mean physically crumble or --?Both.  Both.What needs to be repaired in it?  Many things? The foundation in the basement needs to be revved up, The floor needs to be redone in the basement.  The outside stairway must be put in, because if it is not, the furnace is not that good, The furnace should be repaired too.  It is not that good.  It can be fixed.  It is not safe.  The area is very dangerous.  That area is dangerous to go in, alone. Because of the people who live there? Come in -- not live there.  Wander there, Should Ernie and I become involved in the Church?

    That is your privileged. Would it be good or bad if we did? Let's say it wouldn't make much difference,
    The medium is very concerned about her certificate, about the fixing of the Church and her certificate.  What can you tell her about that?  She needs to know.  She is very concerned. Her certificate is good if she transfers. Why should she transfer?  Can you tell us if she should transfer, or should she stay with the Church?
    For the moment, stay put, but keeps her eyes open and do not let them push her.  But the future is not good, (Would it be good, if I went down and became involved as, a worker or something?  It just wouldn't help matters too much would It.)? Well, it might, if you were of a different nature, but you would not take the patience.
    (I couldn't have the patience.  Right, I should stay away then.) There is more than one foundation that needs fixing.  Go to Church if you like.

    (I'd like to help Alyce.  I'd like to do something for her. But I don't think that is where I should be doing it.  I can help her in other ways.) Let it be.
    (How about the trance work that she does in Church?) We have already stopped her from Trance work in Churches, except for one, and that is the Wigwam.  She already is a member there, but that is a camp.  It does not count.
    Can you tell us about the Second Coming of Christ?  We know that he is probably an adult by now.  Can you tell us something about him?No one knows. Even in spirit, when this will take place, and they will not know.  It will just be an event. Will they know of His work?

    It will be different -- entirely -- and there will be false ones at the same time. Is there going to be any more occurrences of UFO's that we will know about? They are happening all the time, but covered up. How are they covered up? Anything that is investigated by the government is covered up.
    People have got so they hesitate in saying they see it, when something happens, because they have been so ridiculed. Individually, take time each day, to take each thing you know needs help and picture it as perfection, (See it in a positive way?)
    Yes that is right, You go to His Teachings, and do not forget -ever -- He said; whatsoever you desire, believing, it shall become manifest.

    Then our helping, thinking positive thoughts for peace for the Falkland Islands, it would help very much, then?
    Do not think in a certain way, Just think - "Peace there, Peace there, 'Peace there," because, at the moment it is undecided whether it is better for Argentine to have this Island which is so near it, or for England to control it.  But, the people on it should not be displaced just -"Peace - Peace".

    I have some ponies, in the pasture here, that are lame and I wondered if somebody could tell me what I could do to help their lameness?
    It appears to be cold is settled - cold settled.  I feel, somehow I think they laid or slept, on damp ground, or, there is a sort of thing rheumatism. But - heat - heat.
    It isn't caused by what they are eating - grass or anything like that'?

    No, I do not see that, but Vitamin C is good and B and D When the sun comes out stronger, I think it will improve.
    I've been thinking it was they got too good a food -- too good grass, and too good hay that caused it, but that is not right evidently?
    Do not ever give them too rich food.  Like people, they can eat too much.
    Do you see anything that we should know about, that you could forewarn us, or anything like that in spirit they would like to tell us'? We do not always know.

    Spirit does not always know the mind of men controls the universe. Men on all planets.
    Doesn't the mind of men, in spirit, control it, too?  Don't they?
    That is right, but it takes all in the mind of men.  There are many minds upon your planet and upon two others. That is very derogatory at the moment. Have to try to counteract.
    Does spirit still think that our President is doing a good job?  Are they able to work through him?
    He meant well, but he tried to go too fast.

    He tried to go too fast in the economy, then?
    That is right.     He is trying to cut too quickly,
    He meant well,    but you must remember, that underneath, he is actually
    On the side of his'    own class.
    On the side of the rich people.

    Those that are    in business, Unfortunately, so many are.
    Yes, I guess everybody is for themselves, and their own kind.
    So sad.  When you come to spirit and see what this does.  So sad.  I must go.
    O.K. Thanks Byron.  Good night,


    Oh, I'm Lila.  Oh, I'm laughing at Byron.  Oh, yes.  You know he was going so fast.  He was going right into night.  He said, "Good night to you." You know, sometimes we go so fast here; we go into another range of time.  You wouldn't know about that, but it is so.
    Well, I'm Lila and I'm here for just a few moments, because I wanted to come and talk to all of you.  Oh my, I like this little group so much, I've watched you from spirit and I asked if I could come - not that I am anybody - but I just lived once here in your United States and I just see you working and coming together and I like it as a small group.
    I like it.  You can invite in your friends once in awhile, you know, but keep it like it is because you've accomplished so much more.  You keep bringing in others, then it upsets it.  But I visit you, lots of times.  You do not know it, but I sit in here, you know.  Oh, I'm with you, because I like to learn, too I can learn from you. but I'm coming because you know I want to tell you about a trip I took  I say; a trip - actually we get there very quickly, but you know I went to a little Island off of Portugal -- Madeira.  And, oh, I saw some -there was such pretty hand work being made.  They were working so hard with the finest needles on this fine, fine linen.  I watched them and you know, they put such love into all those little stitches, and you know, I watched what this brought on the market and I couldn't believe itl I thought all of that work for so littlel But, you know, there was so much love in it and there was so much -- they just didn't think of it.  All they thought of was love that they gave somebody in their work.  So when you ever pick up something made in Madeira, do think of those loving hands -- even the little girls eight and nine were taught.  It was beautiful.They set there, some of them on rocks in the sun, and they were so happy, you know, doing this and it was so much fun to watch.  I thought I'm going to tell them about that and if they come across a piece like that, will you buy it?  Of course, I don't know what you will pay for it.

  •                               Jan. 13,1989 From Another Planet
                                         Margreta Martenski,

    I came from outer space.  I am in spirit.  I no longer have a physical body.  I am going from place to place trying to bring people into harmony.  Disharmony is the trouble everywhere.  All through the universe there is trouble and disharmony.  If things are in harmony all goes well and people are happy and so I try to bring some harmony where I can.  I just left a planet that was trillions, and trillions, and trillions of miles from you where the life upon it was in a state of war all over.  Yes, there is war on the other planets; but I tried to leave my message where I could and before I left there were signs of lessening trouble.  So you see you are not alone in the universe.  Some people would like you to think so; but you are not.  It took me a great deal of time and trouble to learn all the different languages so I could bring the messages to people.  Some of the languages on the other planets are really difficult, really troublesome yick and yacks.

    I come from the planet Goyuhi.  The life upon it consists of people much like you except for size we were very small, not more than three feet tall, but very strong, wide of limb and larger heads.  There was beauty as we saw it perhaps you wouldn't and there was talent.  To explain it all would be useless.  The planet was about half as large as yours and quite dry, very arid.  We did not have the air you have.  We could breath, yes, but we were made a little different.  Our lungs were different; we didn't need that air you see.  I wouldn't like to live in this body forever.  It is clumsy, large, and I call it rather homely. (Question: will you take life again?) Not until I get through with my travels.  I have to finish my work.  There is still much trouble around the universe. (Question: You seem like a very advanced spirit, did you ever have a life on this planet?) Yes I did.  I spent a life here way back in the year 400.  In fact I was here when all the studies were made of the great master and I used those studies a great deal myself in my life. 

    I happened to be in one of the temples in Egypt, rather wealthy, my father was wealthy and I was in touch with much learning.  Most of my life has been in spirit, traveling in spirit and giving the word, I have traveled far and wide.  I have had seven lives as a form of life on a planet.  There are planets that consist of animal life, as you would call it but not animals, as you know them.  They are animals, but very, very, smart, they are as smart as your smartest college student.  That was an interesting life we could converse. Your animals have a mental conversing, almost a physic conversion. (Question: Are there planets that are lower spiritually than the earth?) We do not rate them in that manner.  We rate the planets only as planets.

    There have been planets that have been much more developed than here and some that have passed into oblivion, but it is not to rate.  The thing is to keep the life, which is on each planet, happy, loveable, and in tune with each other and with God that is important.  All life is necessary, on this planet here you have, many, many, many forms of life, some which is very odd.  You could never know all the forms of life even if you studied forever, there are trillions here on this earth, and each has its purpose and each living here on this earth does not leave with the same knowledge.  It is a complex form, which goes on all the time. 

    Creation is wonderful.  You all are creators to be.  You all are supposed to be creators, that is what you were told, but what you create in this life is up to you, but do not leave it without leaving a creation of some kind.  It can be a song; it can be anything at all.  It can be a loving touch given to some one whom needed it but give in love and create love upon the earth.  Each and every one of you is important to the universe and to each other.  There are those who live a lonely life, very, very lonely, but you will find that people who are really lonely bring it upon themselves because they didn’t give, they do not reach out, or they do not let people in.  Smile and they will smile at you, and love your neighbor, love the people around you and it will flow back to you one hundred folds.
           Things happen, there are accidents, usually by error, sometimes by error planned, sometimes by that, which is not planned, and the error is death.  But, with it all there is a plan, it is all planned.  Each breath you take has been planned it is known that it was to be.  You may think you plan your life.  Yes you do to a degree, but the steps you are to take are there before you from time immemorial and the steps which you will trod afterwards are there.  Nothing is by chance.  But, those who treat their life right and live in a world of love and caring are those who plan ahead, their life will be made wonderful.  Remember when you look out at the star lit sky at night, that all those little dots up there are very active, very busy. There are some which are dead, the earth underneath is dead, not working, it will not go on and will gradually fall apart but there is a great many, a great many, out there that contain life, life with thinking people, life sending love forth.  Yes, there is love raining down from the sky to you, reach up and catch it and hold it and say we love you everybody.  Life is wonderful good by.

    FEBRUARY 16, 1978
    Good evening, I'm Lillian Atheanous I am to be your teacher for the next several weeks.  I have been listening to your review and think it is very well. I think from now on that we will go ahead and start from the beginning and tell you children and all those others, because you are all children you know. We never grow up any of us.  I never have since I've been in Spirit and my many lives.   Yes we are all children.
      Now you know, you have heard the talk on how you started and about coming up through all the various phases of life in order to progress.  As long as you keep the spiritual and physical growth separated you will be well.  And it must be understood that when you trace roots as some were because several times in the last month I have listened to those who were searching and it was the physical roots they have been searching.  But that is just for this lifetime.  Because, your roots spiritually can be had in many many physical forms in other words you might have lived in several genealogical backgrounds in your many lifetimes. Therefore the roots are only for this lifetime, that which you inhabit now is a body belonging to that which has gone before in the line of clay.
     But spiritually you are an individual in a group of souls tied together.  Who is growing and progressing and trying to reach the top of the ladder.  So if you remember to keep the two things separate then you will have learned a lesson well.  But one must remember there are so many things to do in order to progress. You each have a lesson to learn here, one special lesson in this lifetime that is outstanding and uppermost in this life.  There are other things that you learn but one particular thing you came to learn in this life. The others things which you are perfecting you only go on perfecting in this life.
     As an example if you have perfected let us say, the quality of kindness, then you will go on giving forth kindness and it will become stronger as you go along in this life.  But let us say that this life was meant for you to improve and perfect the quality of mercy then most of your efforts will have to go into that and you will be put into positions where this must be taken into consideration.  So much that at times you will wonder why are these things always confronting me, these things that I have to take care of and show that I have mercy and at times possibly you will feel oh dear I feel grouchy I don't want to feel mercy here.
     But you are learning.  You never learn anything in one lifetime anyway.  But there is always one thing uppermost in each lifetime.  I will not go into each one of your lifetimes right now.  Nor will I try to give you each at this time what you as a person or a soul or spirit has to perfect but I will latter.  It is possible that you will be taught many things but remember, your main effort in this lifetime or group call it what you might, is to learn to think together and to be conscious of that world which is mine and which is all around you.  To be conscious of it and know because it is one world, there are not two worlds,
    One is very near so near that they meld and those that have gone on into my world are very much alive.  They're very real but with a vibration so rapid that we can go through solid mater on earth and sooner or latter we all get a chance to pick our next lifetime in order that we may grow.  Even though I am teaching here that does not mean that I am perfection.
    I have many things to learn.  I was a careless person very careless.  I have to go back and learn not to be so careless. I was so careless I did not look where I was going. I got run over not by a car it was too far back for that but by a chariot.  I went to the chariot races oh yea I could then speak Greek or Roman call it what you will but I couldn't stay near enough where I was suppose to be and I landed here.  So now I have come back again and learn to watch what I’m doing and not be fool hearted and careless so remember that.  If you do not learn it one time you will learn it the next.  Pardon me a moment please.  Our teacher stayed on the other side and did not come back.  But another spirit came through, not to give a lesson though, but as an acquaintance of someone in the group.  Goodnight

  •                                                     March 7, 1978 

        Good evening, I am Monroe Taft Marriweather. My message tonight is, on fear. Fear is negative. It has no place especially in the vocabulary, in the thinking of the young. 

    Lift up your thoughts to the positive, you will need them. You can not help anything by fear. That which is supposed to happen will. You can help it by positive thought, but not by fear thoughts.

    One can bring on illness by thinking it. If one thinks long enough one has a disease, it will become manifest, because thought is creator. And as such, puts into action that which you think, and sets in motion cells in the body going awry. 

    By the same token, you can take cells going awry and turn them around by thinking the other way, and seeing your body as perfect. It is the same as you can not be angry and happy at the same moment.

    You can not take a positive and a negative thought or action and use them at the same time, for this will not work. It cannot be done. There for, use the positive, use the healing, use the pictures of good, because all of you understand what will be needed to send out visions of right. 

    You can not stop destruction because it has been brought forth from the past by thinking.  But you can ease it, you can temper it, and you can see that you and yours are led in some manner to safety. 

    By paying attention to those things which you conscientiously think and hear in your mind.  If you do not feel right about something forget it. We have watched those taking final examinations who were not really ready for them. To some degree those who went into the examination room with a positive thought, I will pass I will make it. And each has come out with high honors. 

    They tapped into the knowledge around and about them.  But perhaps their minds for what they had learned could not quite remember. But by knowing, and wanting and reaching so eagerly and steadfast, it was taught to them.

    Nothing is new around and about you, and never has been, but it is all there in the atmosphere there is power, there is more power then you can dream. When you stop and think that the atom on the end of your fingernail is one small speck, and you are full of atoms. If ignited could blow up a whole city. Think of the power you have within and around you. You are a living powerhouse of positive action. 

    It is yours, free, if you do not fear.

                                               June 24, 1975
                   Given through the mediumship of Alyce
           I am Olive Whited. It is with great pleasure that I come in order that the young one here, who has not been before, might learn a little bit about our work. Tonight I am going into much of the work that we had before. It is very necessary that you know that all things go together to make a whole. Now you have heard it said that even the hairs of your head are numbered.

    I would like to make it plain that the interpretation, which was given to the churches, was wrong. Because, if you understand, and think a bit, you know that each person looses a great many hairs from his head each day; therefore, how could the hairs of your head be numbered and mean the hairs of your head? Do you understand me?  Now what this meant was not the individual hairs. This was a parable given to make people understand that each thing works through numerology along with all the other things.

           When it was said that even the hairs of your head are numbered, it did not mean individual hairs. What it really meant was that you as a person are numbered. Do you understand? Each person has a vibratory number. At the time of course, the head was a symbol of the person. It was very important at that time when that part of the body where the brain is, was interpreted as being the main part. When the parable was given, that was the part people would think about most. But each thing, each color, everything upon the earth has vibration and a number.
          Now when we speak of vibration, we mean the vibratory reaction of each and everything and each harmonizes with other vibrations. Spirit is vibration; the stars under which you were born have a vibration tone. Even the littlest change in the planets angle make people born on the very same day different from each other. So, we have spirit, the vibratory work of the planets, and each and everything is numbered. With the vibration, all works to make up the earthly life of the individual.

          These born into the earth’s physical vibrations have the physical vibrations according to the genetic value of that physical vibration, angle and road, which has been followed before by his or her ancestors; but here is the big difference between the physical and spiritual. The spirit also has an individual life and that has gone into the physical in order to create a new, thinking, moving life

          Now down through the ages, from the very beginning of time when the earth was first hot, then cold, then hot again, then cold again, life first appeared in the ocean. This is no secret to you. You have read this, but what you have not read is the fact that the ameba, before it divided, had the very beginning of a spirit, but a spirit. It divided, some into two, and then to produce, making four, possibly six, and sometimes when not dividing, it would be seven, possibly nine, before the division stopped.
          Each spirit that went into an ameba was divided into soul mates. Each spirit was a part of the other spirit, yet progressing in its own way, always at times skipping lives, but also at times coming together for many, many lives, to live and to learn upon the land and in the sea. There is plant life and spirit went into that too. Maybe all of the souls, split souls, perhaps in an unconscious way (being in a clump or blades of grass, possibly a group of leaves or any other type of plant life), live a succession of lives.
          To begin with, you have all had at one time or another lived many, many ocean lives and then many plant lives. Then you went back into the sea for a time. You understand it is the spirit going back into the new physical life. Then you went into the reptilian and from there to the birds, then mammals, and finally man. All the time you progressed, never going backward. However, you might have stayed still, and had to learn a life over again that you did not learn well before. But you never went backwards
          This is not part of spiritualism because they are only interested in the fact that man does live after death, and where. Yes, you may stay in the spiritual world for many, many, many years or you may return, but it is always your free will, always. You have heard much lately about the knowledge of plants. It is true. It is an unconscious knowing to be sure, but the minute spirit is a part of everything, as it becomes an aware being. Aware whether subconsciously or consciously, of all that goes on in the world, other planets, and the universe
          The earth is much older than anyone believes. They have not yet found the correct timing. You have many, many, many lives since you became one of mankind or homosapiens. Before that there were millions of lives, some short, some long, but always lives. Always, there was the coming together of the soul mates, at one time or another to learn, and to love, that which at one time was part of your self. Why always onward? Because life and the universe are eternal. Oh, worlds may die out here and there, as they become unlivable but always in the universe the further you go, you will find new worlds. Always there is a place for spirit to reincarnate.
          You will not hear this spoken in many spiritualist churches. They are interested only in bringing a message from those who are residing in spirit, who have gone over, who were a part of you, that you knew in this life. How many times have there been ones you have lost that you would love to hear from? You wonder why, why doesn’t so and so come to me? Why, it is very possible that they are not in that world anymore. If they are, you will probably hear from them sometime.

    We are happy that the little girl has finally found her niche, but we still say, as we impressed the instrument before, that her place in the country is in the Midwest. It is nice that she has a place to go and we tried to help her. At this time, knowing the feelings of the mother, we did not want to take her to far away. When she could not find the niche she was supposed to, in the Midwest, we thought we would give the mother a breathing spell, but this place must be followed and looked into, even if it is sometime hence. The best vibrations for this young lady are here do you understand?          

  •                            WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE COMES BACK

    Born AD 1564, and passed over to the majority A.D.1616.In the epilogue to the 'Tempest,' the last lines Shakespeare ever wrote for the public, he takes leave of the spirit controls which had guided his pen:

    Now my charms are all o’verthrown,
    And what strength I have's mine own,
    Which is rnost faint.

    During earth-life I was tolerably acquainted with this world of busybodies, these wondermoingers, these biographers, who, seizing on idle gossip, endeavor to convert it into receivable facts. I made a name in earth-life; I left a name behind me,    and though over three centuries have elapsed since my birth on earth, my name is better known to day than when I lived my earth-life. By name William Shakespeare, of Stratford-on-Avon, a son of John Shakespeare, gentleman yeoman, and Annie Arden, of the ancient family of the Ardens, whose pedigree is traceable from the advent into this island of the Norman conqueror. I was the eldest of ten.  That is moot question say I was the eldest of ten. Biographers say of seven only. John Shakespeare, my father, told me, and he knew best about it.

    It seems a wonderful prevision of God, the power of mind. In whatever station in life a soul may be born. However contracted may be its surroundings, if the Almighty God hath in his wisdom designed that soul to become a teacher to mankind, or, if not a teacher, a soul to ease men of their burthens of care, by giving them the pleasure of relaxation of mind. Or by an exhibition of correct delineations of human passion, and also by an exhibition of lively and pointed wit, a soul that sets himself this task is as much a teacher and benefactor to his brother man as any soul engaged in benefiting mankind in any other way.

    Therefore, if God hath designed a soul for advancement, despite its surroundings and its narrow circle, it will inevitably rise upward above its surrounding fellow men. Still upward will soar that soul designed for progress front the beginning of its earthly career, until it reaches the proud position that all men gaze at it. They think of that soul's advancement, and wonder how and why it reached such fame. As well might they make inquiries why the comet chooses its course, or what impels it.

    To me it seems as much a wonder that my name should have been rendered immortal as it does to others. If I had received any special advantages in any extraordinary education I should, perhaps, have been brought to think that these advantages were the cause of my immortal fame. But in starting in life I did not possess the advantages of a classical education. My knowledge of the ancients was absolute nil, and of the Latin tongue the extent of my knowledge abides with me just as plainly now as it did when

    I left the Free Grammar School at Stratford-on-Avon. Where I went for education, not where I was educated. I remember wading through the substantives in the Latin Grammar. I remember musa, a song , gladius a sword ; magister, a master. Then there is the pronoun, hic, haec, hoc, genitive hujus. I remember that well. I think I got on as far as amzo, amas, moneo, audio, the auxiliary verb being preliminary, sum, es, est, sumus There commenced, and there ended, my knowledge of the ancients.  I got on just as well without it.

    I was spiritually controlled I was never myself either in acting or writing. Every word of " King Lear " I wrote, hearing the words audiently. “Coriolanus" was another play I wrote after my retirement from London. I wrote this hearing it clairaudiently. "The merry wives of Windsor"  was written through my hand in nearly illegible characters. I had been with Drayton and Ben Jonson, having a social glass together, and after our carousal, for it finished with one, I stopped at the inn where it took place and filled seventy-four sheets of manuscript from 2 A.M. to 4-35. This was "The Merry Wives of Windsor.” You have read my maiden efforts--my "Venus and Adonis" was my first invention. I dedicated it to Southampton’s Earl, with an apology for its dedication.

    I had just come up to the great metropolis, leaving the wife and children at Stratford.  I was friendless and was being prosecuted. There had been a night frolic between a few of Stratford's youthful sparks and I had joined them, and we trespassed on Sir John Lucy's ground, his park at Charlecote, and shot a deer. Of that, I with others was accused, and ultimately a warrant was issued for my apprehension. So chagrined was I with his conduct, that I wrote a ballad, giving him a coat of arms three lice, I called them “luses.” in imitation of his name, "Lucy". This ballad-so well was he known about Stratford-on- Avon-became popular, and its author most unpopular, and so I came up to London.

    I wrote "Venus and Adonis" under control, also "Coriolanus” and "Anthony and Cleopatra." Five plays I think I wrote in all; I was thoroughly controlled when I wrote, and when anyone came in at any time before I was restored to consciousness, they would be struck, and pass remarks upon my want of attentiveness; they would charge me with an absence    of consciousness. I put it all down to meditativeness I knew it was something beyond myself, but I dared not    mention it. I was always deemed eccentric.

    I was right royal in friendships, and indifferent to those for whom I felt no partiality; in fact, I was a man of extremes, a Sensitive, a term which embraces all the eccentricities of a soul tabernacled in clay. Asked to name some of the spirits in his sphere, he said I have seen Spenser spiritually I am in the same sphere with Ben Jonson and Drayton, and Pope, the eccentric gloomy soul, is with us. Cardinal Wolsey is  one of our sphere. Asked whether Byron, Coleridge, or Shelley were in his sphere, he said Byron is not with us Shelley is not with us, Coleridge is not with us but I have heard of them.

    There is one whom I not think you have heard of-I mean Robert Southey, I love him. Asked about Sir Isaac Newton, he said Isaac Newton is in a sphere above ours. Those whom men consider the least on earth are often the highest in God's kingdom, and stand on the proudest pinnacle. They are held superior for different possessions than for what men would expect them to he held superior. It is only the spiritual man who will be spiritually received or acknowledged. We have listened to melodies of some of the greatest musical composers in our spheres - we have also got artists, sculptors, and the great architect, Sir Christopher Wren, is also with us. 

    Ray, the naturalist, is in our sphere-I mean John Ray, he who systematized the botanical species. Sir Walter Raleigh is with us I knew him in the flesh. I was only eleven years old when I saw Sir Walter Raleigh on the way to Kenilworth Castle. I saw Queen Elizabeth on her way to visit the Earl of Leicester. Lord Bacon is in our sphere, so are Adam Pynaker and Benvenuto Cellini.It is the spirits from our sphere that are coming to you. The first of them was Cardinal Wolsey. The sphere in which is Sir Isaac Newton is the one above us, and it is the sphere of spiritual investigation.

    On another occasion, November 23, 1906, asked by the Editor, through Mr. Harry Harrison, the sensitive, to name some of his special friends, he said Charles Dickens I am intimately acquainted with, Sir Thomas More, and another, that grand man whom many in your world disowned-they called him Ingersoll. Asked what other great men were with him, he said Great men? What you call greatness pertains only to the earth.

    That which the world calls greatness is too often a sepulchre without a tenant, a shell without a kernel, or only a dried and withered one within. We see that he alone is great who is great interiorly. A name is oftentimes a millstone hung round one's neck. Ah! what a sham the world is. Asked if he had controlled many media upon this earth; he replied why should I? Many claim that I have spoken through them; but I assure  you that the number could be counted on the fingers of one hand.

    Asked why he did not acknowledge his indebtedness to the Spirit world for his plays, he said had I done so my head would have been off within a week. What I have further to say than what I have already said is, that after a successful life upon earth I had a happy, joyous transition, and a welcoming reception in the spirit spheres.

  •                                  Received Through the Mediumship
                              of Alyce Andrews at Boston, Massachusetts
                                                November 9,, 1975

    You wonder who I am and I will tell you I was from the first part of your century when I passed and there have been a great deal of questions around and about, about just what is death, what experience do you go through.
    When I was here, I did not feel that I would live as long as I did, but I lived into my eighties, and I was ready when I went to go over here into this beautiful spirit land. I had no idea that it would be as well as it is and as beautiful. I found myself very much as I was, very much.

    There wasn't much difference in the way I was when I left and the way I was when I arrived here. Except that I had a much healthier and a much lighter and much more beautiful body.  I found that I could see all those people who were in back of me on the earth plane.  It was as if I had just riser and was looking down upon the whole. 
    Some of you ask shall I send flowers to a funeral.  Please do because you know those are the flowers which we put into our home gardens in the spirit world.  The essence of them we take with us and all the love that went into them as they were given.  Our homes are very much like yours; and this might surprise you, but all the things that you had and loved are with you.
    `There is a spirit form and essence for everything upon the earth plane which you had.  For remember, it is all of the living force, all of those things and those atmospheres and chemicals which went into that as a living thing still is a spiritual force of life and it is with you.

    You have been admonished not to save up things upon the earth plane but things which are of the spirit that you may keep them, but I say this was meant not to take things to store up things on the earth plane which are selfish and which hurt someone else or be greedy and take more than your share, but all of those things which you found love and pleasure in upon the earth plane are still with you, and they are very real, very real.  There is no difference in them.

    You will meet your loved ones as I did and you will know what life is, that it is continuous and that it never stops.  Once you are a living thing or being, you are always one.  Now you ask why. 
    Why do we go into the spirit world?  If we are going to live on and on why not stay here?  But it is just the same as your car or some other item which rusts away and gets useless.  Your physical body is no longer able to support the spiritual body which is enclosed within it and to do its work.
    For some reason you have to leave it behind and go on, and it returns to that from which it come and which it was made all of the chemicals around and about and within are the same.  There is no difference with anything.  It is all spirit, all life, and all material, but it is of the something and it must go on.

    The same fertilizer for the trees and its coming up in the spring in the leaves, which will form it, is a continuous cycle. But that is an earthly cycle that is a cycle of matter we are talking about the spiritual cycle. There are a great many things that go into it that you upon the earth do not know; because you have not heard them right, many things within your bible is a correct history but it has been interpreted as the wrong.
    You are not the first ones who have been, let's say, with brains.  Before you millions of years ago there were people upon your earth plane.  Yes, from another planet, which was much more advanced than yours and which destroyed the world as you knew it.  Because it was not advanced to that point where it could take care of the advancement which it had come unto.

    So remember this, those things around and about you within the air and upon the earth which you do not understand are real and sooner or later within your lifetime these will come about and the answers will come, but I am interested in telling you about your spirit life.

    Those you loved are with you and will be, and those you left behind are very visible to you. You can see what they do and when and try to help them by thought. You are not dead you are alive. Very much as I am; and if you are fortunate and can learn the mechanics of speaking through someone upon the earth plane, you will be able to tell them about it.
    It does take a great deal of energy, both from the spirit and from that instrument through which we work. It is going to be necessary within the next twenty years to bring forth a great deal of this knowledge. You are in a period of time when these things must come about, and when you must learn that wars cannot sustain, when instruments which have been turned into that which harms must be turned the other way for good. And, therefore, listen to the spirit. Listen to those who come to you, your loved ones and those who you bear, the thoughts which you receive, pay attention to them for they are your guidelines to eternal life.  Good day.

  • VICKIS          March 7, 1978             Lesson  Alyce in Trance

    Good evening, I am Monroe Taft Marriweather.
    My message tonight is, on fear.  Fear is negative.  It has no place especially in the vocabulary, in the thinking of the young.  Lift up your thoughts to the positive, you will need them. You can not help anything by fear. That which is supposed to happen will.

            You can help it by positive thought, but not by fear thoughts. One can bring on illness by thinking it. If one thinks long enough then one has a disease, it will become manifest, because thought is a creator. And as such, puts into action that which you think, and sets in motion cells in the body going awry. By the same token, you can take cells going awry and turn them around by thinking the other way, and seeing your body as perfect. It is the same as you can not be angry and happy at the same moment. 

    You can not take a positive and a negative thought or action and use them at the same time, for this will not work. It cannot be done.  There for, use the positive, use the healing, use the pictures of good because all of you understand what will be needed to send out vistions of right. 

    You can not stop destruction because it has been brought forth from the past by thinking. But you can ease it, you can temper it, and you can see that you and yours are led in some manner to safety.  By paying attention to those things which you conscientiously think and hear in your mind.  If you do not feel right about something forget it.

     We have watched those taking final examinations who were not really ready for them.  To some degree those who went into the examination room with a positive thought, I will pass, I will make it. And each has come out with high honors.  Because they tapped into the knowledge around and about them.  But perhaps their minds for what they had learned could not quite remember.  But by knowing, and wanting and reaching so eagerly and steadfast, it was taught to them. Nothing is new around and about you, and never has been, but it is all there in the atmosphere

    There is power, there is more power then you can dream. When you stop and think that the atom on the end of your fingernail is one small speck, and you are full of atoms.  If extinguished could blow up a whole city.

    Think of the power you have within and around you. You are a living powerhouse of positive action.  It is yours free, if you do not fear.

  •                        Lisa with amber eyes and hair 4/1/82 Alyce in Trance

    Louisa or Lisa.
    Your air      (more coughing and choking.)
      You don't like our air?  What planet do you come from?  Lisa.
    That's where you come from? What's your name? quite long, unintelligible, unknown language, to us)

    Well, what can you tell us about yourself and where do you come from?  Hard to talk English,

    You do the best you can and we will help you.  You going to tell us something about UFO'S?  Do you know anything about them?

    I don't come from.  I female.  I come from Lusa.  Big - Mountain - Cave.
    Where about is it?  Is it on this earth? Where is it?  How far away is it?

    Up out --- long, long, long way up - out -- Mountains caves.  Big planet.

    Do you have entities that come to our Planet from your planet?  Only like me.  I'm Lisa.  I come myself, --- Lady here. Alyce, lady you are in?  You know her?
    Only friend -- post friend.  Our youth.  She was born. We come together.
    She lived on your planet, with you?

    Yes, but, she has a mind connection with Universe.

    ,She developed this when she was with you on your planet?

    No. Many, many lives before that in (His or this) service.  That's why she not have regular life here.  She is too much "out",.  Many times Lisa has known Alyce -- Bernie, too, once on my planet.

    Is that why I know it is true, but I'm not so psychic, as she is, probably?

    Not so many times out, I come to tell you the world is sitting on a time bomb.
    We try to hold together.  Man is not meant to be blown up unless some minds go crazy.

    It's a matter of "maniac loose", leave man alone and stopped the subsidy.  Khoumenie (sp?) taken over by the underworld maffia and other millionaires that will give the subsidy. Little ones don't matter.  Little ones no get it.  Push the little ones out.

    I look -- I big.  I have blue blood, but it is aerated.  I am quite pretty. I have pretty ears, and big eyes, big lashes, amber eyes, hair amber, too, very silken hair.
    How    tall are you? Oh, I am 8feet 9inches Your measure.
    How    old are you now, in our years?
    197 years.     I am young.
    Do you have children?

    No. Because I am meant to work with those left out.  There are those who are in homes, which you would say, "communes", like you are married, and the babies come and all the women work to take care of them. 

    When they, like me, are born and they reach the time that they are supposed to go into what you would call college, and they work only with the Universe. 

    I will never have children, but I have many men -- not as you would say "sex", but the Universal love is much better, and there are others who look after the courses. Each one has his own place. Each one is happy taking care of all the other things that must be done.  No unhappiness

    How do they take care of your body now that you have left it?

    Oh, I just went to sleep.  No one had to take care
    No one had to take care of your body while you left it?
    Nobody, because I am in a certain place where the conditions of air and everything is just right.  It is worse for me here.
    Oh, I see!  Are you in a public place?

    When I want to help, I must go to a station.  It is a place that has machines You lay down and you have (you would call it "Machines") and your head fits into it and it stabilizes you, We have no trouble. We are in a group.

     You see they take us and we learn, but we are in a group behind the Universe Where I am in, there is about 127 different planets that are totally advanced to the cause of no wars, no sickness, no pain -- none of the ills of the Universe. but, if we are to achieve that, we must help it by going and help it.
    But, you still live always as you say - what happens when someone dies?

    When it is time for the spirit to leave the body, in our world, the body just evaporates.  You know it's going -- you're going, You aren't unhappy because you have "given up", knowing it's "normal".  I have traveled without the body. and so, I'm not unhappy about going.  You want to do something for your world?  Just work for Peace, and try to keep the Love in and Greed out, in everything you touch.

    Can you tell us anything we might do to help, think "Love" all the time?
    Recognize those who are loving and greedy.  You must also make them recognize it,

    .    What must we do to travel outside of our bodies?
    Well, sometimes you do, and you don't know it, but do what you can, on earth, for a start.

    Can you tell us anything about the ones coming here by other planets?  Should we make an effort to communicate with them more? I’m thinking about myself -- getting in contact with them in some way.

    Send out thoughts and it will be picked up if in the right place -but there are hundreds and thousands on your earth, who are tuned in right now, trying to reach.  When it is time it will come both the good and the bad.  Then it will have to be recognized.
    Thanks for coming.


                      Given through the Mediumship of my friend Alyce
                                     December 28, 1971
        Hello! I am Trilla Nadeen. I was chosen tonight to give one named Bernard a few of the spots where he was in the past. You started as a tiny little shell fish and there you learned to crawl. You were many types of shell fish many times. One thing we would like to tell you all here, is that all life of any kind started in the ocean, before it made its way on land. All of the billions, and billions, and billions of years things changed according to what life needed to live, depending upon where it was
         Now we take you from the crustacean to the reptile, and you were still in the ocean. All reptiles came out of the ocean and all birds were reptiles, originally in the life growth of the physical. That’s the scaly legs on the birds today. As they came on to land, they gradually changed , some didn’t want to keep on crawling, of course they were the monstrous ones, very large. However you had several existences, along with some of your mates here, in the stage of the large dinosaurs Of course these names were given to these creatures much later. They were just creatures at that time.

        Then you turned into a beautiful bird, a large bird,  an archaeolotrop of beautiful feathers. You existed in the beautiful bird stage for some time. It may interest you to know that you by-passed the plant life except where we told you, when you were with the instrument, (the medium) oh, yes you had a short period with her there; but that was a small part of your life. The larger part was in the reptillean and bird stage.
        When you become far enough advanced to occupy what we now call man you entered the Kingdom called Asia, and you were in the royalty there. Although you may not like to think it, we will tell you, you not only had #1 and #2 wife, but you had several concubines, Of course some people today would say, "you were living it up". However, at that time, and in that time period, these things were taken for granted and you were well looked up to.  You like red do you not?  This is a carry over from your Mandarin stage and I wish to tell you that although the one here, now called Betty was in that existence, and to her the carry over for oriental things is still with her.  In fact she was one of your concubines.

    Then you went into the land of Sweden where you had to learn the lesson there which you had not learned before, You had to learn to give orders,.  You would ask, but you did not demand, and so, you were put as the captain of a boat on the fjord, And there you had to tell people what to do and how, and learn to do it graciously. A lesson which you really did not learn too well and are still learning. Is that not right? That  was one of your existences and then you went on your next visit into a land away from this earth, and there you learned how to pick out fruit.
    Now this sounds rather odd that anyone should have to learn how to pick out fruit, but there was strange fruit there.  Some of it was poison and you learned to detect psychically, what was good and what was poison, and today, you have a feeling of that type.  Is that not so?

           So, that was an existence, and of course, you were with the instrument and you were with the one called Arthur. and you were with all of those here at one time or another. The wife you now have was with you 1000 years ago, but not as a wife.  She was a Grandmother to you, but that was back, way back, and you were in the Biblical Land at that time.  And you know, you did not like to walk across the desert. and you did not like sandals. You still like your feet well shod You understand?

    And so progression went on, but there are many things yet to learn. One of them in PATIENCE, because even now, you know you want what you. want yesterday., not tomorrow, and you cannot wait patiently, even though you are told time and time again that what you wish will come. Yet you worry and you fret and oh, you want it right then.  The house is an example, We told you it would come, but I think you thought it would be dropped in your lap the next day. (Bernard  It certainly wasn't, It took a year) Well that is because you were impatient.  BE  PATIENT.  Learn it well in this life so you will not have to go on to another one with that in mind.

    And so, time goes on and each one here must go ahead and learn and progress, but always remember, we cannot stress it enough -- that these things were over billions and billions of years ago -- your progress your growth -- is little by little.  Even today the physical is changing. You notice that the young people are getting larger, but the legs will become less strong because they do not use them as much. But this will take years.

         Always there is a change in the physical, according to the demands of life but this has nothing to do with your spiritual, your souls. Your soul is yours to expand and grow and learn according to your own desire, your own will to learn all of the facets of a perfect person, or soul. You will be together again with many here. We can not tell you all of the lives because you have had a great, great many, learn and grow and above all Love.  Good Night.

  • John M. Todd of Portland Maine a Spiritualist

    I was born April 8, 1821 in Durham, Maine. My father informed me that it was a. backward spring and there were four feet of snow on the ground that eventful morning. he walked two miles and a half upon the crust and it bore him every step. he went after a nurse, I was the seventh child, and mother told me that I was the most unwelcome child she ever brought into the world.  My parents were very poor, Mother has informed me since that she had nothing to cover me with but a blanket and that had holes in it, and I could see through it.

    Father had been a sea captain, and in the War of 1812 he was driven ashore by an English man-of-war and lost all he possessed.  When I was three my parents moved into the town of Brunswick.  I was reared under the shadow of Bowdoin College.  In the spring of 1825, when I was but four years of age  the great and famous class of Bowdoin graduated, with its Longfellow, Hawthorne and Cheever, and other members who became famous throughout the world.  My sister, a few years older, held me in her lap as she looked out of the window and seeing Longfellow approaching, said, “There comes the dandy’.’ I cried out, “Let me see the dandy.” I remember it as though it were yesterday, and in after years, whenever I saw him or met him, I would always think of him as he appeared to me that day. I worked on a farm until I was thirteen years old. Then I went to sea four years and a half, came home, learned the horse shoeing and blacksmith’s trade, carried on the business in Bath, Maine for two years; then laid down my hammer, and worked sixty-two years in a barber shop.

    I came to Portland in 1844. In 1848, when the Rochester knocking or spirit rapping’s occurred I took no notice of it.  One day, in 1850, Captain Littlejohn, a brother skeptic, called upon me and said, “Todd I want you to go with me to see a medium who lives on Smith street.  I was knocked out in the first circle, and I come to you because you do riot believe in this superstition called religion.” I said what bothers you Captain he said “A few years ago, I lost a man overboard; he was a Swede and spoke very poor English. As I entered the house of the medium I said to her husband, I don’t care to have you know my name.’ ‘We don’t want to know it; we can find that out soon enough.” I took a seat at the table

    In a few minutes she was entranced and, reaching out her hand to me, and in broken English in the very voice of the sailor, said, “How are you, Captain Littlejohn?” I said ”Who are you?” “You know” was the reply “No I don’t,” said I. The Medium threw her arms over her head and, in the same broken English, said, “For God’s sake, Captain, save me.” Those were the very words the sailor uttered when I threw him a rope as the ship passed him, and he missed catching, it.  John, I am puzzled.” I laughed at him and told him of my experience in Bath with mesmerism. “She only read your mind, that is all.” I said. “I have no time to fool away.”

    Soon after that one night in a terrible storm and dark as pitch, I started to see the medium. It was such a night a child might understand the devil had business on his hands, as Robert Burns said.  I knocked at the door; a tall, gaunt man, six feet three inches in height stood looking at me.  I was speechless for a minute and didn’t know what to say. Finally, I said, “Is this the house where they entertain Ghosts? “He laughed and replied, “Yes, come in.” I said, “I don’t wish to give my name.” “We don’t wish to know your name, we can get it quick enough.” he led the way to the sitting room, and there sat a woman of sixty or sixty-five years of age, and of very pleasant appearance. She smiled and said, “I don’t care to know your name.” I took a seat opposite her.  Soon the table began to move and loud raps were heard.  I was greatly interested, moved back from the table and looked under it.

    She went into a trance, took a pencil from the table and wrote, John Todd. The husband spoke and said, “A spirit friend of yours.” I, to mislead them, said, “That is my name.” He said, “That is it?  That is all right then.” She threw the pencil upon the table with some violence, and with her eyes closed, turned her head as though she was scanning my every feature and thought, took the pencil from the table and wrote under the words “John Todd” the words “John M. Todd.” She looked at me sternly and said, “John, whose name is that?” pointing at the John M. Todd. I replied, “That is mine” “Well, whose was that?” pointing at the other name. “That was my fathers.” Then the medium said, “John, deal honestly with the medium and I will convince you that I live, and that there is life after what you call death.” I began to question him of my childhood experiences and conversations I had had with him when young he seemed to remember all.

    Then I began to question him on theology and about what he had learned over there. He said he had not been there long enough to have learned much. And while on the earth he had not made theology a study; the passage over Jordan had taught him but little. That I had read much more upon that subject than he, but if the medium was willing he would bring a spirit who would give me the information I wished. I made an appointment with the medium to meet her at two o’clock. I was there.

    The medium was entranced, and the controlling influence purported to be Williarn Elridge Channing, the great Unitarian preacher. I commenced to question him, and every question I had ever asked in early life of clergymen was answered. he did not put me off with :You must not ask such questions,” as I had often been told by ministers, but he encouraged me to ask many, and every one I asked was answered.  I said to father, “if this is true that you have survived the shock of death, I must take up the Bible again and I cannot do that.” had been fighting it so long that I did not see how I could accept its teachings. He replied, “Not necessarily, for you are in no condition to be benefited by so doing. Do you fully realize, John that there is no one in this city, who has used the word orthodox bigot for years as often as your self, and are you aware that there is no greater bigot in Portland than you are?  For a man can be as bigoted in his negation as in his belief.”

    Six months after that event, while talking with him, he called my attention to what I said in regard to my accepting the teachings of the Bible. “I want you, when you go home tonight, to read from the Bible, 1 Corinthians, 12th chapter, where Paul wrote of spiritual gifts. He speaks of the discerning of spirits, healing by the spirits, speaking with other tongues, and other gifts that we spiritualists believe in and practice.” I went home and read it. my prejudice had left me; 1 have studied the book much since and, from Genesis to Revelations it teaches that spirits return.

    As Charles Beecher said at the advent of modern spiritualism” it is no use to deny the facts of spiritualism, for it is a Bible doctrine.  The Bible is full of it.  We should preach and teach that it is the work of the devil, that will frighten the people away from it.” Another proof that ignorance alone enslaves, for were not the people ignorance they would not fear the devil or any of his imps,

    On one occasion Postmaster Dunn came in to see me. I was feeling rather cast down, business was dull, and I was heavily in debt, I said, I must give up my research of spiritualism. I cannot afford to spend so much time and money as I have been doing. I must devote myself to the support of  my family and to the payment of my debts.” After Mr. Dunn left I thought I would go once more to see a medium and then give it up, at least for the present. 
    I called upon the medium and we sat down at the table to get communication.  In a few minutes the door bell rang and she went to the door.  As soon as she left the table the rats came and the table commenced moving rapidly.  I never had a table move for me before. Nor any other physical manifestation without the help of a medium and I have never had one since. She returned, and I said to her, “Go into the other room, for I am getting the manifestations under my own hands.” I took the alphabet that was on the table for that purpose. And I had written for me thirty-two pages in that manner, and if I wrote a word or letter that was not right the table would not cease shaking until I went over the alphabet again and corrected it.

    The controlling spirit purported to be my father. He told me the conversation I just had with Mr. Dunn at my shop. He told me that I could not forsake nor abandon spiritualism. That from my childhood the spirits had stood by me and often directed my steps, and saved me from evil. And henceforth I must and will do all in my power, to aid them, to forward their cause of the truth of spirit return and thereby strengthen the belief in the continuity of life that the world is so much in need of at this time.

    I have a word to say to you in regard to your financial condition. We have heard your complaining and have often pitied you, “0, ye of little faith.’ We know that, from your point of view, the struggle seems hard, but, my dear son, you have always had a bed to sleep on and food to eat; you have never put your children to bed feeling that they had retired with scanty food. as   
    I have mine—no, nor you never will.  But you were born skeptic and a doubter. We have ‘field a consultation and have examined into your case, and have resolved to relieve you.  We see you are sinking under your load, and in your state of mind, had you been in job’s -place, you would have taken his wife’s advice and cursed God and died. aid his wife unto him,

    Dost thou still retain thine integrity Curse God and die.’ Job 2: 92. 0 my son, I wish you could walk by faith though this valley of sorrow, but we see you cannot, for you have not, yet learned the power and great glory of faith.” I said, “If this is my father speaking or whatever the power may be, all I am saying is, I can not believe that it is in your power to relieve me from my financial embarrassment, though an angel declared it unto me. “He wrote in answer, “Wait and see. “In eighteen months from that time I had paid two thousand dollars of old debts, most of them outlawed.

    One day my landlord, Mr. Boyd, came in to see me and said, “John, I have a compliment for you.  I was at a large party last evening on State Street, where some of the best people in the city were in attendance.  You were spoken of by a gentleman of wealth he said you had paid him several hundred dollars in outlawed debts, at which they expressed surprise. I said, ‘That is what I should have expected of him.”

     A gentleman from out of the city, and a man of large fortune, came to me and said, “For weeks past I could riot get you out of my mind. I don’t understand it, for you have never done any business for me. I have a business to do and I want you to do it. I will deposit four thousand dollarsin the Mechanics Bank, President Allen Haines, for you to use, and I want you to attend to it at once.  I am going over to leave the money now, and I shall tell Mr. Haines to let you draw upon it as you wish.” I replied, “I know nothing about the business, and I shall lose your money; I won’t touch it. I never could keep my own money, and I won’t be able to keep yours.”

    He left the money for me, and I did riot touch it. A week went by. He called and said, “have you done as I wished you to?” “No, I have not dared to.” “You go and do as I wished.  I will risk it.” Another week went by and he called again and said, “John, you are foolish in not doing as I wished you to.  Now, if you do not, I shall have to get some one else, for the business must be attended to.” I saw Mr. Haines, the president of the bank. He advised me to go ahead. I took hold of the job, and the first three days I made $200.00. That gave me courage. I kept on, and in eighteen months cleared $30,000.

    Through the influence of Mr. William E. Wood, the broker, I invested my money in United States five-twenty bonds. My father came to me, mind you, from the spirit world. It was at a spiritual circle, and he said, “John, we are about to strip you of every dollar you possess.” My knees began to shake, as did Saul’s when the woman medium of Endor, read 1 Samuel, 28: 7-18, when she told him his kingdom should be taken from him. “But, my son, you will not feel as you did when you told your friend Dunn you were about to abandon spiritualism, when your faith was waning and you were about ready to sink. Then we reached forth a. helping hand and placed you upon your feet. Now, you know we can help you, an you will no* mourn your loss and will walk bv faith, nothing doubting.” Arid I have seen my houses and land pass away from me, my wife and children depart, but my faith remains unshaken, often cast down but not destroyed, 2 Corinthians, 4: 9.

    From that day to this, I have never seen the time that I have wished to have my houses back. I was invited to attend a materializing circle, that is, where the spirits of our departed ones are said to return and make themselves visible to mortals. It was at the home of Mr. George Blake, of the firm of Blake & Jones, flour dealers. The materializing medium, so called, was young man a Mr. Bastion. Before he went into the improvised closet, with no door or window in the rear, no way to get in or out except from the room we were all sitting in, I had examined him thoroughly. The company consisted of about sixteen people, and some of the smartest men in the city. All could be seen, the room was so light we could see to read.

    There was a gentleman present, a stranger, and a delegate to the United States medical convention that was being held there at the time. I learned later that he was Dr. walker from New Orleans.  Mind you, I had searched this medium from head to foot, turned every pocket. I know there was no clothing about him except the suit he wore, and there were eight or ten persons, men, women and children, who appeared, or, as we spiritualists would say, materialized, all in different apparel as become age and sex,

    After several spirits had materialized there was one appeared whom anyone would have taken for a clergyman of the old school with a standup collar and white cravate, black coat and pants, and the bearing of one who was accustomed to meet public audiences. He glanced at me.  I said, “Do you wish, to speak to me?” He looked again with an expression on his face that I interpreted as a look of contempt, and as much as to say, “You mind your own business and I will mine.”

    Dr.Walker said it was an Uncle of his, a Baptist minister, who used to preach at Albany, NY. The doctor said that before leaving New Orleans to come to Portland, he was told by a medium that he would receive a great test. But he had no thought that he should meet one of his own family face to face, as he then knew that the materialized spirit, was no other than his favorite uncle who loved him dearly and was with him so often in his childhood.  Then my father appeared. My friends present, with one voice, said, “Do speak to him Mr.Todd, for it is your father or brother and the very image. of you.” At that moment he vanished from our sight.

    The company chided me for not speaking, saying, He looked at you and smiled; he did want to speak to you. I replied, “Why did he not?” It would have pleased me much.” At that moment he again appeared, more distinct than before. “Now, do speak to him, Mr. Todd.” I was about to do so, when he bowed to the audience, smiled, and said ”This is my son, ladies and gentlemen, he knows me.” There were sixteen present, and they all saw and heard him. Then I said, “Father, have you anything to say to me?”

    Now came the crucial test, or ,miracle, for his answer was one he had given me many times in my youth.  With a smile of affection that he so often had bestowed upon me, he said, “John do right and all will be well.” He emphasized the word will very strongly, much as to say “John, when you were a boy I believed it would be well with us when we passed over, but now I know it is.” Now, for the word “miracle,” I have just    written.  I should say for that nothing short of that would explain it. Out of a hundred English sentences that naturally might have been given in answer to my question “Have you anything to say to me father?” that an entire stranger should have selected the one most used by my father to quiet my boyish fears in regard to the other life, is something  more than a coincidence. Often I would say to further, “good works are not enough,” for I had heard ministers say that the most moral man was the most dangerous man, for he leans upon works, not faith, for salvation, and they never can save. Mr.Charles Blake, the father of George Blake, who lived in the house, then appeared, looking just as he did in life, and was recognized by most of the company. he said, “I am happy to meet you, my children,” using the plural. for there were present two of his sons, with their wives and several of his grandchildren.
    There was also present a Mrs. Hopper, who was not a believer in spirit return. her husband, a young sea captain whom I knew, appeared and looked as he did when he left Portland a few months before. I turned to look at her, and she was looking at him very earnestly. He spoke, calling, her by her given name, and said, “This is true and glorious.” She screamed, ”My husband” and, with clasped hands, sprang towards him, fainted, and would have fallen had she not been caught by those beside her.
    After she had recovered sufficiently she explained to us the meaning of what her husband had said, for there was a test for her in the sentence he had uttered. A short time before he left here on his last voyage, he said to his wife one Sunday, “How would you like to go to the spiritualist meeting,?  I would like, to go, for I have never attended one.” she replied, “I would like to; I read in the paper this morning that a woman medium is to speak there today. Her name, I think, is Axey Sprague and I heard she was a fine speaker.” So they went.  After the meeting he said to his wife, I want to go aboard the barque and invite the mate to take tea with us.”

    As they were walking down she said, “That was a beautiful discourse she gave.” “Yes,” he replied, and clasping her arm a little firmer, with much feeling said, “My dear, if that is only true, ‘tis glorious.” That is why she was so affected when he gave the truth with out an if for now he exclaimed, It is true and glorious,” for he died at Havana, Cuba. And that was his last voyage, and that was the last walk he had with his wife. She never doubted but that she talked with her husband at that circle neither do I doubt it.

     I saw her several years after that event and she told me she still believed she saw her husband on that occasion, and had no doubt but that they would spend an everlasting life together. Remember that there appeared on that occasion eight or ten spirits, all dressed in different costumes, and the medium in a china, closet, and I had searched him thoroughly before he entered the closet and when he came out of it.

  • Taken from James Churchward's Lecture before the American Society for Psychical Research.  New York--20th April 1931.

    It was a famine time in India.  I was assisting in relief work the high priest of a college temple. Although I did not know it at first, he was exceedingly interested in archaeology and the records of the ancients, and had a greater knowledge of those subjects than any other living man.

    For more than two years I studied diligently a dead language my priestly friend believed to be the original tongue of mankind.  One day he told me there were a number of ancient tablets in the secret archives of the temple.  What they consisted of he did not know, for he had seen only the chatties containing them. Although he was in a position to examine the writings he had never done so, as they were sacred records not to be touched.

    In discussing these secret writings he added something that sent my curiosity up to a new high point. He had already mentioned the legendary Motherland of Man --the mysterious land of Mu.  Now he amazed me by the admission that the precious tablets were believed by many to have been written by the Naacals. (a priestly brotherhood sent from the motherland to the colonies to teach the sacred writings, religion and the sciences).

    Day after day I attempted to discover some method by which I could obtain access to the hidden treasures, but my friend, although extremely courteous, was adamant in his refusal to let me see them.

    "My son," he would say, a touch of sadness in his voice, "I would that I could satisfy your desire, but that may not be.  They are sacred relics that must not be taken out of their containers.  I dare not grant your wish." "But think," I said, "They may not be packed properly and may break and crumble in the boxes, we should at least look at them to see if they are safe. "Six months passed.  Curiosity or anxiety about their condition had won the contest over my priestly friend, for one evening on the table in front of him two of the ancient tablets were lying on a cloth. I examined with curiosity the long-hidden tablets.

    They were apparently of sunburnt clay and extremely dusty. With great care I cleaned them and set to work deciphering the characters that were in the same dead language I had been studying with my friend. For seven years during all of my available time, I diligently studied under this old rishi, learning the language of Mu, her symbols, alphabet and writings, with a view of finding out something about ancient man.  I was the only one to whom this old rishi ever gave instructions on this subject.

    On one occasion he told me that there were some written records about Jesus in certain Himalayan monasteries; and gave me such letters of introduction to the heads of these monasteries, that on application I experienced no difficulty in obtaining a sight of these precious documents.  In one monastery I found without question the original documents.

    In the biblical records of Jesus there is a gap of many years.  In monasteries and Lamaseries in the Himalayas and Tibet there are records (without question copies) telling how Jesus spent these mysterious years.  There are also many oriental legends about him. One written record states that:

    "When Jesus was a young man, he left his home country and first went to Egypt.  There for two years he studied the ancient Egyptian Osirian religion.  From Egypt he went to India and at Benares and other religious centers studied the teachings of Gautama.  He then entered a Himalayan monastery where for 12 years he studied the Sacred Inspired writings of Mu and her Cosmic Forces and Sciences.  At the end of 12 years he became a master: the most proficient Master that has ever been on earth. His name in this monastery is more revered today than by any sect of Christian Priesthood, and simply because these Himalayan monks knew him better.

    In addition to the foregoing record they had another, also written in Pali on Olas and bound into a Patika.  It is a very significant legend.  The head of the monastery informed me that for many years it was an oral legend only: then to prevent its being forgotten or altered, those masters who were witnesses and still survived wrote down all data to accurately preserve it.  The legend runs thus:

    "When Jesus was about to leave the monastery to return to his own land, a controversy arose between him and the masters on the subject of reincarnation.  Jesus maintained that The Sacred Inspired Writings of the Motherland stated that it was not the material body of Man that was reincarnated out of the original atoms that formed his body, but the soul or spirit only that was reincarnated.  The Masters maintained that it was both the soul and the original atoms forming the previous body that were reincarnated-born over again, and not a fresh combination of elementary atoms.

    I was allowed to see and read the tablets over which the controversy had taken place.  I deciphered and translated three, all that was necessary.  The first tablet over which the controversy took place reads, "The Material body returns to mother earth from whence it came.  The elements are then used by nature for other bodies.

    The Masters insisted that other bodies meant the subsequent bodies of the man.  So the question hinged on the meaning of "other bodies" Did it mean the subsequent bodies of the reincarnated man or other bodies of nature's making?

    To solve the problem I deciphered and translated the next two tablets they read as follows:
    "It is-The Man-The Spirit-which comes into being again.  Imperishable man is a-Divine Spark-around which a house, or an encasing body is built composed of elements, brought together and joined by the Ziis of the Life Force.  After the usual period, or cycle, this compound of elements wears out and returns to mother earth, setting the Divine Spark free.,,

    "At the appointed time (the will of the Creator) a new set of elementary cells are brought together, forming a new house, and enclosing the Divine Spark.  This house like the previous one, in due time, also returns to mother earth.  And so it continues on-the Divine Spark occupying one house after another until its appointed time has come.  Then it has to return whence it came to the Divine Source."

    In studying the ancient writings I have found that the teachings of Osiris and Jesus are wonderfully alike.  Many passages being identically the same word for word and line for line. this is not to be wondered at; they were both preaching and teaching the first and Inspired Religion of Man, which they both learned from the same school: The Sacred Inspired Writings of Mu.

    Both Jesus and Osiris were, unquestionable, inspired instruments of the Great Nameless, sent on earth to show the children of this world the paths which lead to happiness.  Many do not know who Osiris was beyond that he was one of the old Egyptian gods.  Even Egyptologists are at loggerheads about who he was.  Some of them say he was a myth, others a symbol only, and yet others that he was a king who lived somewhere.  In a monastery in Tibet I found some tablets referring to Atlantis and among them a history of Osiris: it reads:

    Osiris was born in Atlantis 22,000 years ago (according to reckoning of time).  When a young man he went to the Motherland to study for the Priesthood.  When he became a Master he returned to Atlantis.  There he devoted himself to eliminating the extravagances, superstitions, misconceptions, and inventions that had crept into the Atlantean Religion.  He then installed again the original religion of love and simplicity. He was then made the High Priest of Atlantis, a position which he held during a long life. When he passed on the Religion was called after him The Osirian Religion." This religion was carried to Egypt by Thoth and became the Egyptian religion.

    One gloriously bright tropical morning, very early, I wandered down to the Temple to gain some pearl of wisdom from the rishi.  We had been sitting in silence on our favorite bench in the Temple gardens for some time when suddenly he turned his face to me and said: "My son, it is strange how little your people understand their own Bible. Take for instance the legend which relates how Moses' serpent swallowed up the serpents of the Priests before Pharaoh. This is regarded as a miracle, whereas both Moses and the Priests were only practicing one of the ancient sciences. You will better understand it if I call it mass hypnotism."

    "Moses had the power of raising his inner vibrations higher than those of the Priests so he could bring their brains under the control of his own. The Priests had their vibrations raised to a point where they had the audience under control, and then they cast their staffs on the ground concentrating on the vision of their transformation into serpents. Consequently, the people saw them as serpents. But Moses raised his vibrations to a higher pitch, gained control both of the priests and the people, and was thus able to cast his own staff to the ground and make them all see it turn into a serpent and swallow up the other serpents.  But you, my son, never see clearly without a practical demonstration, so I must give you one. Give me your hand, so that your vibrations are attuned to mine. This will prevent your coming under the influence I am about to send forth."

    About 50 feet away two coolies were sweeping up the Temple compound and just beyond were some dead branches which had fallen from a tree during the night. The rishi smilingly said: "Watch them drop those branches as soon as they touch them." When the coolies came to those branches and started to pick them up, they dropped them, shouting, "Snakes!  Snakes!  Poison snakes!" They then ran off and brought back two long bamboos and began thrashing the branches for dear life; after a moment the rishi lowered his vibrations. The coolies stopped their exertions and looked dumbfounded.  The rishi called them over and asked them: "What have you been drinking?" "Arak" they said. "But we only took two drinks master!"

    The rishi then told me that in ancient times, when India was divided into small kingdoms constantly at war with one another, mass hypnotism was used by the Priesthood to protect their temples and colleges. When a city had been taken by the enemy and was being burned and sacked by the soldiers, the Priests would assemble on the Temple steps and as the plunders approached, they would cast a spell over them, sending demons to frighten them off. These, legend says, often took the form of huge serpents.  The rishi smilingly said, "I should not wonder if it was something of this sort that sent the soldiers of Alexander the Great back from India to their own country."

    Another graphic illustration of the serpent "miracle" was staged for me on a certain morning when a tall, lanky European walked into the Temple Compound, and asked to see the High Priest, announcing himself as a Professor from some University in England.  He said he was writing a book on the history of India, and wanted to get all possible information.  He had been told that the High Priest of this temple knew more about India than any other man.  He handed the rishi a letter of introduction, which the richi smilingly took but did not open.  The rishi told him he would be gladly tell him anything that was contained in the Temple Records.  The rishi then ordered a table and chair to be brought for the professor's convenience and comfort.

    The scene that followed is etched on my memory.  The professor laid his hat, cane and umbrella on the table; a collie deposited beside them a large pad of paper and many sharpened pencils.  The professor then sat down and said: Now go ahead, old man, I'm ready to hear all you know."

    The rishi quietly answered, "I think it would be better for you to put such questions as you wish answered.
    Professor; "Well then, tell me about so-and-so."
    Rishi:    "Our temple records say so-and-so."

    Professor:    "That's all wrong.  In Professor so-and-so's History of India it says so-and-so."
    Rishi:    Professor so-and-so maybe right,and our Temple records wrong.  I only know what the Temple Records say-"
    Professor:    Well then, I next want to know so-and-so-"
    The rishi answered as before, quoting the Temple records, and again the professor told him he was wrong, quoting another "authority" on the subject in question.

    This went on through about a dozen questions, all ending with the same results; at last, the professor banged his papers together and said, "Here I have come these many miles to gain information. It has been a sheer waste of my time; why, old man, you know absolutely nothing, I could find out ten times as much as you know in an hour at any library."

    At this I saw the rishil’s brows slightly contract, he reached out and took my hand.  From this I knew something was going to happen. The Professor slammed on his hat, opened his umbrella, and took up his cane--which, with and awful yell, he threw across the compound, shouting, "Great heavens, it's a snake." One of the collies picked up the cane and brought it back to the professor, who backed away from it in horror.  The rishi said kindly, "Why, Professor, you must have a touch of the sun." He then placed his hand on the Professors forehead, who groaned and writhed and sank into the chair.  The rishi then sent for a coconut of water, which he gave to the professor to drink, saying, "This will no doubt straighten you out."

    When the professor had swallowed the water he became normal; he held his hand out to the rishi, saying: "Although you know nothing about history, old man, you certainly are an adept at curing sunstroke."

    He then went away The rishi watched him leaving the temple grounds, then with a sigh said, "Soon, my son, we shall have another wonderful history of India.  Come let us walk in the gardens, this is all to childish.

    The new history appeared about a year later amid a wonderful flourish of scientific trumpets.  In it the professor gave the rishi credit for being a wonderful physician, and suggested that the medical faculty could learn much from the High Priests of India.

    The rishi was thoroughly familiar with our Bible: much of the earlier part he knew by heart, particularly those chapters dealing with the Cosmic Sciences. One evening he said: "I have been thinking my son, about the great Biblical Miracle Which relates that Shadrech, Meshech and Abed Nego walked though the fiery furnace and were not touched by the fire.  As I have often told you, Man has the power to raise his vibrations--the forces of his soul--above the vibrations of the earthly forces.  Heat, which produces fire, is an earthly force, therefore man is able to raise his own vibrations above those of heat so that the heat force is repelled or nullified, forming a neutral zone through which the heat can not pass.  The man's clothing partakes of his vibrations, so that even his garments cannot be touched. Those who have attained the knowledge which enables them to control these inner vibrations are termed Masters.

    "Shadrech, Meshech and Abed Nego were Masters.  It was by the use of this method of raising vibrations that they were able to walk through the fire without injury.
    I asked how these Israelites had gained the necessary knowledge to become Masters.  He answered:

    "The Israelites were captives in Babylonia, where there were many colleges for the teaching of the language of the Motherland, the first Inspired Religion and the Cosmic Sciences.  These colleges were called Chaldi.  It is from this name that the Semitic conquerors of Babylonia took their name Chaldeans and rechristened the country Chaldea.

    "The Chaldi were open and free to all who wished to come to them for learning.  There was no expense to the student, and the slave was as welcome as the prince.  These Israelites, although in bondage, attended the Chaldi and became Masters."

    After finishing his discourse, the old rishi looked at me and smiled, and said, "Now, I suppose, I must as usual make all plain to you by giving you a physical example." And with that he called to an attendant to bring him a large live coal.  When the coal was brought in a chattie, he took my hand, deliberately picked up the red-hot coal with his fingers and placed in the palm of my hand.  He then asked me if I felt any heat from the coal.  I did not.  He then told me to light a cigar from it.  I tried but the cigar would not light.  He smiled and turned my hand over.  The coal fell to the ground.  He then withdrew his hand from mine and told me to pick the coal up.  I innocently attempted to do so--and although I dropped it hastily, my fingers carried burns and blisters for many days.  He then picked the coal up himself, put it back into the chattie, and said to me, "Now light, your cigar from it. I did with no difficulty. The demonstration was complete.

    He was always very emphatic when speaking of faith, and always impressed me that faith was not "to make oneself believe that he had faith, but it must be conviction added to faith--spiritual conviction."

    He strongly emphasized that "concentration alone without absolute faith attending it, will not advance one very far." "Concentration and faith are twin sisters, two flowers on a stem.
    At one point he referred to the teachings of Jesus, quoting the moving of a mountain through faith.

  • TUESDAY MARCH 21,1978 Alyce in trance

          I'm Violet, from quite some time back, I lived on your earth about Eighteen Hundred and Twenty. I am here to give you knowledge that I have learned here.  I have not been Back. I have been studying here on this side a long time and I will come back sometime. But, what is interesting that you do not know is that the earth plane and the spirit plane are intermingled.
         For instance at this very moment there are several spirits, not necessarily your friends or family here in the room who are going and coming , and there are  mountains which you cannot see.

        There are flowers in bloom which you cannot see and they are very real (in another vibration) but so very much in a higher vibration that to you they are nothing.  This may seem impossible but it is not.
         Every cubic inch of air space or ground has millions of life cells and things in it, of some sort, always each and every bit of the universe is in action is in use and there are principals and learning going on everywhere.

          Look up at the stars and you think between you and that star there is a void, but you do not see the millions and millions of things that we see in between, it is not empty but the higher vibrations of that which is there makes it so, that few can see through it, as if it were not there. But do not doubt.  It is empty to you. If this sounds foolish, it is not, it is the truth.
         When you come into my world you will think, how can there be so much, and I have left so little. But now you must remember that you know  very little about your own world, how many of you really know, even your own family. Do you know the moods of your own loved ones really, could you tell another one exactly how many spots in lets say a rug or towel you have, if it has spots in it.  No, even with your physical eyes you do not pick up everything.  Many times you go by  things, pass them day after day and it is not for several months perhaps that you  take  notice  that something  is there.
           So is it any wonder that you do not know the real make up of the universe.  It is as far as you can possibly travel with the speed of light for millions of years as you know them, you would not come to the end of the universe; because there is no end ,some may say there is, there is not. Only  what they think is the end; they will always find something beyond.  And through it all life is teemy.  Progressive life.  And just how far you go  upon this matter depends upon you.
          Death is life.  And life must become death but in the end, life and death are one.  And it becomes only life because life always was and always will be. To say, but I was born yes you were born to this life time but the tiny you that entered the womb was just the cells of the physical being and the spirit entered therein from the spirit world.  And that spirit was full-grown with much knowledge, not a babe. That spirit  had to learn how to live before  it came to this earth. There are many things to take into consideration in life.

          There is vibration in each and everything and each and every day has vibration.  The number of your house, the date of your birth and the date you find yourself on the calendar all mean something.  And gives a vibration to that day and makes it the one when things will go forward without to much effort or you will have to work at it and you can.  The color you have on works with your numbers and the vibrations help or hinder you but we will go into that at another meeting and it is for you to learn all of these things so that you can control your life here.  And here after thank you.

  • April 6, 1989 Alyce in trance

    I am Moraney.  We think that you should be told many things tonight.  You know we have given you forms of life and how things started and all of that but it is only just a pinch of what it really is.  It is something that is remarkable.  You know the universe, you know that there are millions of stars, millions of planets and millions of other things in the universe and all have something to do with your life.  Each and every place has had a small beginning going up into a further expanse but some people do not know that each and every soul has a beginning and many souls in the universe today have had much existence's on different places in order to expand and know.
     Now, lets go to a little tiny planet, I say tiny, it is only in your miles approximately two hundred and fifty in diameter that's all.  You can not see it with the human eye unless you have a very, very strong magnifying glass and yet it is a very important creation from the very beginning.  It was made to take a few souls and start them out.  They were not a human form as you are but they were not animals either.  They had a form of arm and hand but not like yours, a simple form that enabled them to pick up something.  They had stick like legs in order to move somewhat and as far as a brain went it was a beginning brain, recognizing sounds, recognizing feeling, whether something was rough, hard, or what ever and the life was very simple.
      There was water to drink and a few forms of fruit to eat that was it.  They did not have and existence of, as you calls it loving one another.  That had not come into existence as yet it was a beginning of senses and each and everyone of these so called creatures had an existence of approximately twenty years in your time.  And, as they learned to recognize by touch and sound and so forth, very few of these things were given to them they had a lot more to learn but they did have a beginning.
     Then the next time they came into being they would go on to greater things.  Each and every one of the planets, and there are millions, has a reason for existing or being there.  Earth is only number ten in your creation it is not high on the scale.  Only number ten and there are now creations to the number thirty nine,which are trying to come into you’re being and push you forward, it could happen.  There are so many, some scary or not pleasant because you must have all of these things to experience, something’s you learn or lets say your scientists create, are not to stay in existence.  They have not been a good creation.
     The universe is supposed to be a perfection of the great mind, a perfection of being, it is supposed to carry these things, create these things and each and every one is to become worthy of creation.  So, you see you have much to learn much to experience and much to know about yourself.
     Men on earth know quite a bit at the present time; but as I said you are only number ten. They have gone through nine existences, but when I say nine, perhaps they have had a hundred existences but they have only lived on the ten planets; because they had to learn something more on each.
     There is a complete learning about things on one earth or one planet what ever you wish to call it; earth is the name that the people of this planet gave it. It is really not named that.  Would you like to know what it is named?  It is named Chrysanthemum.  We create the flowers names.  The people, the leaders of the planets and the stars, we are way ahead of all of you and have the position of giving names to everything.  A person who lived in the desert land gave the name earth to it and it was picked up and became the word used for it.
     It does not matter if you call it earth or you call it chrysanthemum it matters not really; but to us it is chrysanthemum. You did not learn the touch; to feel and so forth on this planet you had them learned before you left planet seven.  However, you do have something that is very important on each planet that you must perfect.

    Now it must not be half done, it must be to perfection and on this planet you have to learn love. That has not been learned yet.  Very, very, few souls learn it very quickly and probably will have to return here many times before they go on to another planet.  They may visit the other planet in a life and have a small existence there, but if love is not learned, back they come.  That is the lesson of this planet.