March 24, 2007

  • March 4, 1975
             Alyce medium
        Good evening.  When I was with you I was Lila McGee.  I was a dietician in the old country and my interest tonight is with food.  You know that food is becoming very short, upon your plane but part of it is due to a great deal of ignorance both in your country and abroad.  You have worked the land until it has become worn out, as it were, and also, when you could produce, you did not but we wish to say that if those who have something to do with producing would think for a few moments and not waste. We heard some talking tonight before class here upon the subject of helping. Now, helping is one thing but wasting and throwing it to the winds is another. You were told by the great master who knew the secrets upon the earth and in the heavens that you were not to cast pearls before swine.

     Now, this could also mean not casting, that which will be useless and which will not produce desired results before anyone.  Sending food to those who not only will be deprived of the most of it; but also when given will amount to little among the hoards who in the end will die anyhow, is a waste.  To help those who by giving can help themselves is good and you have this lesson to be learned in many ways not only with food but also with those people who are so used to getting and being given to, they think it is their right. 

    To give is good when needed but to give to make one lax and not productive is another thing.  Those who think it is their right to have regardless is not what we term, in the etheric world good. We are trying to impress upon those who would keep as  you call it, the hand out, to stop them. To say that everyone is, entitled to so much for living, that each one should be taken care of regardless, is not good because you are hurting that person more than you would be helping if you did not give them anything.

    You will find if you look back through history  in your country and in your world that people fought to live, worked to live, and if it was not in front of them, they found a way to produce or make it. They found a way to live--not in luxury, not with everything they desired, but enough to keep them alive and to meet each day with a smile regardless.

    We go to your pilgrims who came across the Atlantic and. tried to live.  It was very hard; but not one of them thought someone else was going to provide for them.  Somehow, they found a way, as did those who settled in Jamestown, as did those who came into the Northland in Canada and who fought to keep themselves alive. 

    Your Indians who were here first, they did not go to someone and say, "We are hungry, feed us" or we want this because we want to have pleasure.  No, they used their minds and they used those things that were around them.  Even their medicine was found in the woods and they learned by themselves how to take care of themselves, what would cure, and heal, and what could be used for food. 

    What has happened to the mass of people today who think they should have things regardless?  You have that within your own country, those who think they should be taken care of regardless.  We are not saying to one who is ill or one who cannot for some reason take care of himself.  Yes, give them food for health, keep them warm, but do not--please do not keep on giving them luxuries, letting them have those things which those before have worked for years and centuries to bring into being for themselves. This is not good.

    Look within your own country and all of those who are lazy and lax today because the giving was not figured and thought of in the proper manner, and then go to the foreign countries where your wars are raging, where your hunger is spreading and remember that to give and, give and give is not the answer.  Those who know somehow it will be given do not strive for themselves but keep taking. 

    When you see food piled up which has been sent while big ones--men and women who should be let's say with power  and instinct enough to use it properly, let it rot while they argue about which ones shall have it, is that being wise?

         We in spirit are aware of the many, many tons of food and grain which has been shipped  to these places and we see it not going to the hungry but distributed to those in power to be sold for money.  Is this helping? We do not say not to help your brother but we say that if you send enough food for a thousand people to feed a million, it is as nothing and that is what you have upon the African and Asian Continents today.  You have millions starving, yes, but you give them a mouthful today.

     Tomorrow, they will starve again. We do not ask you to think in terms of hardness and not pity; but we do say that all life which we have learned about is in the proper focus; but it has to be run that way and has to be used in the proper manner.  One thing feeds upon another, one thing grows while another withers. It is up to each one to strive to make the most of what his life can and will be, to learn his lesson and do not forget those who are in the position at the present time of starving have some lesson to learn. 

    Somewhere in their past, they were lax and greedy whether it was in the forest where they would not share, let's say the catch, with another who was beside them or whether it was in another life they laughed at a lowly serf maybe who was thrown the bones when they got through eating the feast.  We see them and we know.  Each person upon the earth today is right where he is supposed to be. 

    You can feel sorry for yourself or you can feel sorry for your neighbor or your friend and that is good to have sympathy but do not forget in the last analysis, it is the person who finds his way, and works towards his goal in spite of obstacles. And when you cover up the obstacles, they do not learn to climb over and you are stopping the progress and many lives will have to be lived to accomplish what was intended.  Therefore, I say that your government when it thinks it is helping the many people in your country and in the world it is doing them harm, and not accomplishing what it thinks it is. 

    There is little that you here can do except to send your prayers and thoughts.  We know you cannot do much but you can take your own lives and do what you can with them.  Send prayers and live and ask that each person no matter which path he is treading, or in what placed he is in may he be given the strength and the light to see how he can solve his own problems. 

    Do not forget that if some of those people who are groveling even in the desert would take the little bit of land, desert or no, and try to plant some of that which is given them, you say, where will the water come from?  You would be surprised if just a quarter of them would plant part of their little portion, they would bring into being the thought, "We want this to grow" and rain would fall. 

    They are thinking dry, they are thinking arid, they are thinking hunger, they are thinking death and that is exactly what they are bringing into being and unto themselves. And if this can happen, think of yourselves and what you think.  Are you thinking tonight I will, I can, I know, or I can't, it isn't there, I will not have it. 

    No. Put your thought to the Pilgrims and the Indians and follow in their footsteps.  Sometimes, the most primitive people are the greatest.
    Good Night.

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