March 31, 2007

  •                                                    Feb. 4. 1975
                          French spoken - (Can you speak to us in English?)
           When I was on the earth plane, I was call Pierre Monjolin.  It was a college professor .I was teaching languages but now they tell me to come here and tell you what it was like when I arrive here. My mother was here and my daughter came to meet me. It is for you to know that you will be met on this side, when you arrive.   That is what I came for to tell you that you will be met do not worry when you come to the end.  It is a very easy doorway to this world.  Now I go and let someone come who speaks English better than me.

          Good evening.  I am Lettie Landis and tonight, they asked me to give you a small lesson in compassion.  Now, the word compassion means many things but mostly, it is to be in a state of concernment for those around you because if you are not concerned with those who maybe let's say are in a lesser position than you or in more trouble than you, then. you have not learned the lesson of compassion. And today, especially, there are so many people who need to receive compassion.  Many people who perhaps have given many hours of compassion are not thought of when they need it also.  I am thinking mostly now of those people who are what you would call in your world here, senior citizens.  Somehow, a great many of them seem to be pushed aside and not thought of as a compassionate world should, and these are the things which we are concerned about because when we were on the earth plane, we were in a different position then you. 

    Always, there were those who thought of the family. They did not or would not even think of putting their older people into homes. While they flew high, wide, and handsome for their own amusement while the others who had gone beyond the years of production were in a place where there was not too much compassion and where there was no individuality.
          I was very old when I went into spirit but I remember well how my son and my daughter and my niece couldn't do enough for me. Always I was somewhat fought over to come and sit at their table and if I sat at another too long, I was always asked why I didn’t come to them instead.  I was given things to keep me aware. My eyes began to fail and always there was someone if only one of the younger ones to say,   “Grandma can we read to you today?"
          Now, just think for a moment how those today are put into beds in large homes where there is no compassion and many of these people receive papers to read with no thought that the eyes of the, earth plane are failing.  How many are there working in these homes who can take a few moments, especially for those who haven't anyone to visit them and say, "May I read to you, may I help you, may I get you something special," No. No, it is a case of mass productivity, the same as your factories. Let's put everyone in a single niche; let them stay there until they die. Until you become more compassionate where will you be when you reach that age?  I am not speaking here to anyone in particular in this room.  I am giving a general outline of the conditions which I see from this side, and when it becomes necessary to put an individual into a home. There are some that visit, some that care, some that see, but the percentage is so small.
              If you could get your younger people to spend just one day a week, of their time or two to three hours a week going into these homes and finding out those who have no one who cares about them and talk to them. You would find that it would soon spread and compassion would again be present upon your earth plane.  "No one cares, no one cares,” How many times have I gone into a room in my spirit body and heard these remarks from a poor soul. One, who could not move out of the bed, who was lying there just waiting and hoping the days would not be too far off when they too could leave and join me. Now, you here cannot do anymore than you can do for your own, but could you give this lesson forth to those who can and could help.  How many youngsters today get into mischief and trouble because they don't know what to do with themselves and think of how good it would be If they could do something. Will you please give this lesson forth?  Please, because I from my side am trying to help.  I'm trying very hard. It has been possible in just a few instances for me to make someone aware that I was standing there. Especially if they were close to passing. At such a time a smile comes on their face. Oh yes, a smile as if they knew someone cares.                        
    Good night.

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    Trying to sing
    I am Madam Shuman-Heink.  Oh, how I would like to sing again but I do not know if I can. Oh I am using the vocal cords of this instrument; but when I was on the earth plane here, oh, how I loved to sing but I do not know if I can sing with this instrument. - (Bernard: Give it a try) Will you forgive me If I do not sound as  Shuman-Heink sounded? (Yes, go ahead) (Vocalizing) "Oh, that is terrible, oh, that is terrible. (More singing) I want to sing so badly. I have been in spirit many years but when I was here, I sang on the Metropolitan Opera Stage.  Do you not remember Shuman- Heink?  I was not a skinny one.  I was big but God had given me the will and also the voice. (You can sing in spirit can't you?) Only by thought.  We have no cords. (Had you rather sing by cords than by thought?) Oh yes, but now if I could use the other lady, or she would let me use her. (Alma Cosby) It is useless for me to stay here if I cannot sing. . (Do you have a desire to come back in another life?)  Now, now, No, not now as the world is. No. (what are you doing now in spirit?) I am teaching rhythm of thought. (Whom do you teach)? Those who come over and who have never had rhythm; because all is vibration and if you cannot keep rhythm, you stumble.  Well. maybe I can practice occasionally. (Sure, try it once more) Oh, no, I would not put you through that again, no. I go.

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