Sunday March 7, 1976
Alyce Andrews, Springfield Church
Today I would like to speak to you about three things, fear, hatred, and procrastination. Now you wonder why I put this last word in here, because most people say fear and hatred but after I arrived in the spirit world I found that procrastination is just as bad because you are thinking and not really deciding upon anything. At least fear and hatred are positive in their own way. Procrastination is very bad because it neither goes one way or the other.
Fear does no good to anyone as I found out. All the fears that I had upon the earthplane were as nothing when I reached this beautiful land here. They were naught because in the spirit world there is no fear because all is plain, all is thought and one knows he must go forward not backward. Hatred does no good to anyone. It only hurts the one who hates because as hatred goes out it also brings hatred back in another way.
You were told many times by that great medium who was sent upon the earth that where several are gathered together in thought it becomes manifest. Now thoughts are things, as you well know. We also know that you can not feel the same toward everyone because everyone has a vibration within him or her. It either blends or does not blend with someone else, but it does not mean that you have to hate someone. That is very bad Just give them a thought of love and peace and let it go, but do not hold hatred.
Procrastination is not knowing whether you are going backward or forward or staying in the same place. In other words it is a nothing thing. When you arise in the morning make up your mind that today will be fruitful and you will accomplish that which you set out to do.
Try to think of the positive things and leave out all of the negative. You know we see people come over here who have so many fears in them. They worry each day so much about what might have been or what has been and so much about what might be or come to be.,
They have no time to enjoy today and after the day Is over they wonder what good that day was. Are you going to continue to be that way? You know we count the many things that people accomplish over here. We do not stop to think well they did this or that which wasn't good, but we do count those things they have accomplished and sometimes there are a very few. When I was upon the earth plane,
I had many brilliant thoughts about things that people needed and that I might have done. But there again fear came in and I thought,"Oh that is a lovely thought but I can not accomplish it." So I let it go only to find that perhaps five years later the very thing I thought of someone else had been very happy with and had made much money and much accomplishment in the world for it.
Now when you receive from our side an inspiration, act upon it, be positive with it, do not throw it aside and say," I can't." Those two words should not be in the language you have, but say, "I can." Oh yes many of you spiritualists have these fears and negative thoughts within you, especially procrastination. I have been working through this instrument silently. This is the first time I have come here, but I have been around her and believe it or not this is one of her bad faults, procrastination.
Now if you are not like this, will you tell her I have been trying to get her on the road to positiveness and each and everyone of you here. I want you to cast out fear, cast out hatred and stop procrastinating and think of what a beautiful day today is and what you can do with it. In that way you will build up your road and your life and the eternal future. Good Day.
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